Riders Of Death (Guild)

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Riders Of Death
GuildLogo-Riders Of Death.png

We are here to help others in need

Guild Founder: Derekryuu
Approx. Population: 81 (50)
Guild Master(s):
  • Boogie-Woogie-Doll
  • Mizuki-San
  • (TBC)
Guild Officer(s):
  • Bassyus
  • Cosmoxander
  • Demonmech (inactive due to boredom)
  • Galaxen (inactive due to problems)
  • Midnightcrystal (1month brake)
  • Scotalot
  • (coming soon)
  • (coming soon)

Important News

"""ANY member of RoD found to have edited the guild main page wiki (other then bio) will be delt with. to edit the main page you MUST ask first. If you want to add or change somthing sent a request to Mizuki-san -adden by Mizuki

We have a mist well that's not in use, due to the fact you can't control how much you withdraw. so if anyone offer a valid and useful idea on how to use AND refill the Will. can you please main mizuki-San the details. please in mind the mist well uses 500ce and its not free

About the guild

Riders Of Death is here to help others, to have fun and make new friends. If a Guild member needs help in a mission or anything else for that matter we are here to help, you only need to ask.

Some might say we are a democrasy, because we put most actions to a guild vote. No matter what rank you are in the guild, all members get a say.

We are not like other Guild, we dont talk down to other members, in some way or another we are all the same, after all. most of us are just kids playing a game, and we all started off the same, a zero star newcomer to this mysteries world. But saying that, you should still respect the onces higher then you

How to join/what is needed

If you want to join, just asks an Officer or Guild master and he/she will be more then happy to invite you are always recruiting new members.

They are no entry fees or tests to join. Just that we ask you to agree and follow the rules and conditions.

Guild Rules

We have some simple rules we would like you to follow.

  • 1. Be nice and respectful to others.

You are to respect others as they should respect you, meaning dont tell other to shut up

  • 2. DON'T beg for ce/cr inside or out side the guild.

Requesting for mats are fine, but other that dont ask for free stuff

  • 3. Do NOT ask for promotions, they will be given when you earn them.

You will get promoted when you have forfilled their requirements, you can ask about promotions (how to) but not for a promotion

  • 4A. Ask BEFOR joining a guild members party (this is so you dont spawn in mid/end level)
  • 4B Ask BEFOR inviting a guild members to your party (this is to stop invite spamming)

theas 2 rule parts are to stop energy wasting and complaning

If you break these rules you will be warned, if you break them again you will be Demoted, breaking all the rules will result in you being remove from the Guild.

You will find that no-one is above the rules, from Recruits to Guild Master, we will all follow the rules.

Note rule 3 can be broken in only 2 events

A, 1 week passes and your not "member"

B, if you feel you should be an Officer and can give some very good resones why, then it will be considered (only ask if your a "veteran", and ONLY request once)

The Members

Promoting guideline

Donating to the treasury

You are expected to donate to the guilds treasury, this is for the upkeep and to buy cool stuff. you should donate no less then 200cr(minimum) per day. You can welcome to donate more and we will be thankfull, and you might be rewarded (sprrdy promotion *see promotion guid lines*).

"guide line on ranked donations"

    Recruit: 200cr
     Member: 300cr+
    Veteran: 400cr+ 
    Officer: 500cr+  
         GM: 1,000cr+

If you are unable to donate then you need to inform an Officer or GM

Meet The Members

{{showhide|Meet the Members|content=

Formed Alliance(s)

  • <Spiral Knights Guild> (requested by Henf)

Henf here asking for permission to post a talk about me and my guild please!

  • <Assassin Of Steel> (requested by Spiralacel)


Riders of Death: Contests

so thats our guild. we have our ups and downs but we keep moving on i hope you do deside to join is, till then i wish you luck on the game, and in life

If your now reading this, that means you just read the full wiki :D

Guild Art

Personal tools