The Dark Crusaders (Guild)

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The Dark Crusaders
File:GuildLogo-The Dark Crusaders.png

Unity is Strength

Guild Founder: Valloth
Approx. Population: 26
Guild Master(s):
  • Dageist
  • Dleowolf
  • Noarkad
Guild Officer(s):
  • Fire-Awsome-Knight
  • Psyna

Guild Purpose

We strive for excellence, and help everybody reach Vanguard, while making it a fun experience. We will help out each other with simple missions, such as Vanaduke, the Jelly King, or we sometimes do Roarmulus Twins. But all and all we help all people in the guild when they need it.

How To Join

We are actively recruiting skilled, fun, and active players. If you're interested in joining us, find or pm a guild master or officer because you know we rock! We are recruiting players of all ranks.

Guild Rules

Promotions are given out based on activeness and contributions to the guild. Otherwise it's easy to maintain a spot in The Dark Crusaders.


  • Recruit - If you're new to the guild, this is where you start.
  • Member - As long as you're an active player and are at least Tier 2, you'll easily reach this rank. Members should follow basic rules and make donations.
  • Veteran - This is an honorable rank for our trusted and active players. Veterans prove to be helpful and courteous to their guildmates, and contribute regularly to the guild by making donations to the guild treasury.
  • Officer - This rank is for our most trusted and loyal members of the guild. They show good leadership skills, have good judgement, and assist with our recruitment drives.

Guild Master - Becoming a Guild Master depends on the original Guild Master's decision.


Because upkeep is a weekly event, we have Weekly Donations. We are currently asking for 1500cr per week from each member. Any extra donation is very helpful and much appreciated. If we raise more than our goal, we could start to focus on decorations and improvements of the guild hall.

Guild Roster

                                *Last Edited 1/30/2013 at 2:55 PM EST. By Dleowolf
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