Broken Dreams (Guild)

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Broken Dreams
GuildLogo-Broken Dreams.jpg

We may be broken dreams. But together we are more than that, We are a glorious reality.

Guild Founder: BrokenDreamer
Approx. Population: 50

Guild Officer(s):
  • Bluefoxtwo/Bluefoxone
  • Deadly-Blue
  • Blah-the-Second

About Us

Our Motto "We may be broken dreams. But together we are more than that, We are a glorious reality." -Bluefoxtwo

Broken Dreams is a guild about helping other and newer knights. We, as a guild, want to improve the spiral knights community as a whole. although we may be small, we are growing and hopefully so will our values. We also want to help the new generation of spiral knights and support them on their quest to their core.

Our Rules

Don't be a jerk

Treat other knights the way you would want to be treated "The Golden Rule"

Help other knights

THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO GIVE IN TO BEGGING!!! to teach a man to fish is better than to give them one fish and have them rely on you. Show them tricks and help them with runs, so that they can advance and earn money on there own.

Help The Guild

Be active and have fun, also donate so that we can expand our guild hall and provide a better experience to our members.


enough said

Our Ranking System


This rank is only for rule-breakers and inactive members.


Everyone will receive this rank when they join the guild


Active, helpful, and well trusted knights will receive this rank


Decided by GM (Guild-Man and Psy-Confusion-Xir) only


Non-receivable except in rare circumstances

Our Guild Hall

our guild hall currently has no upgrades. | pic= Broken-Dreams-Guild-Hall.png

Donation Rates

Currently we are asking about 1,000 to 2,000 crowns a week so that we can upgrade. However, if you cannot pay that much the minimum is 200 crowns a week. We are hoping to get everyone in the 2,000 crowns plus range of donations per week.

If You Are Interested In Joining

Please mail Bluefoxtwo, or Guild-Man

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