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Http-7e9bce9e-9101-4bb5-b4b2-d5e7fcc63996 zpsc181783d.jpg

This is me! As soon as I get some more 5* armor, I'll make sure to post it up :D


  • I have the new Cursed Bombhead! It's Ah-Mazing! ♥
  • I am going to get the bomber outfit to look awesome in bn :D
  • A person(Who shall remain nameless) has been calling me a noobeh in BN, so I beat the tar out of him/her!!! My score: 12 kills/0 deaths His/Her score: 2 kills/9 deaths!! >:D

All About Me

  • The guild I'm in is Stacked Deck. I am a proud GM, always trying to help out ♥ If you would like to check it out, just PM me, Pretty-Queen, King-kane, Sason, etc. Just look at the Stacked Deck wiki page!

  • I am currently 4 star with only two 5 stars, but I'm working real hard on getting it all up!

  • Always hitting up those Vana Runs!! I love that cash! :D If you need to be tabbed, just mail me and I'll be glad to! ♥☺♥☺♥☺

Blast Network

  • I LOVE Blast Network! It's so fun!

  • I hate it when others use stickies! If you use a sticky on me, I'll make sure you die triple as many times as you stickied me! >:(

  • If you ever need a BN buddy, I'm there for ya! ☺

  • I love to help the noobehs in the game of BN! There's always hope for everyone :3

  • I'm not saying I'm the greatest BN player in the world(That's pretty-queen :3), I'm just saying I love it! :D


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