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Revision as of 18:52, 23 March 2011 by D0gr0ck (Talk | contribs)

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Just want to know... has anyone seen the Brute Jelly Cube recently (no more than two weeks ago)? I play on low quality in Tier 2 but the non-miniature jelly cubes I see have a pinkish tint to it, indicating that it's just a normal jelly cube (or so I suspect, I could be wrong!). Saphykun 15:49, 23 March 2011 (UTC)

  • I think that's the new art for the Brute Jelly. On a higher end PC they look notably more shiny than the regular pink jelly and have sort of a translucent appearance of bubbles inside. --D0gr0ck 18:52, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
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