Late Night Gamers(Guild)

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Late Night Gamers
File:GuildLogo-Late Night Gamers.png

What is sleep?

Guild Founder: The-True-Cake
Approx. Population: 3
Guild Master(s):
  • The-True-Cake
Guild Officer(s):


About the Guild

A guild for gamers who play at some of the oddest hours. Whether day, night or somewhere in between, chances are someone is online.

Guild Hall

Currently only has the west wing containing an alchemy room. Subject to change soon.

Ranks and Promotions

Ranking is based on a variety of factor and there is no "correct" way to be promoted. If higher ups see you actively helping the guild, its members, and just generally being a nice person. Chances are you will get a promotion.

Steam Group Page/Joining

We now have a group page here. Contact any of the admins on there to be added to the guild. Alternatively you may contact the staff listed on the wiki in-game. Note that not all members will be in the steam group due to lack of steam accounts.


  • No Scamming
  • Be part of the Guild Community
  • Have fun
  • If you take something from storage (when we unlock it) when you get a chance please try and put something of equal or greater value back in.
  • Try and donate 500 crowns a day.
  • No begging for a higher rank. (What constitutes as begging is up to the officers and Gm's)

Veteran Rules

  • Don't make changes in design mode without permission.

Officer Rules

  • Help the guild
  • Don't abuse powers
  • No changing guild hall without permission
  • Join in events
  • Be on the lookout for possible recruits (just don't send them an invite without actually chatting first)
  • Invite for others

GM Rules

  • Help members
  • Donate
  • Promote if they deserve the promotion
  • Invite for others
  • Show respect to others
  • Do runs to help lower members
  • Be a good leader, and do not be a thief
  • Demote as necessary and as you see fit. Abusing this power shall result in immediate demotion and possibly subsequent removal from the guild.
  • Don't abuse powers.

= Created and will be updated semi-reguraly by The-True-Cake

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