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Lore thesis

Hi, this is Atrumvindex. I am here, to well speak about the most overlooked thing in the game, next to endgame Arcade content: lore.

Use the Talk/disgussion page to help me talk about this. I will regularly update this.

NOTE: This is all just Speculation, please don't use this info on mainspace pages

Dead Gold

Based on the Greek Myths of that you need a gold coin to bribe Charon into towing you over the Styx. So.... So, similar things are used with the material, Such as it was placed in hands, not under tongues. Obviously, the coin would exist outside the mortal plane. But it still exists on the Mortal/material plane. But, obviously, Different worlds were collected into Cradle, so not all coins were Crowns. So when a corpse is now a Zombie, it is still in their possession. Thus, non crown currency(in coins) are known as "Dead Gold". At best they would just be used in alchemy or sold(because it's GOLD. Or... gold and tin....)


So this Fiendish Attila the Hun is a Trojan sealed in the underworld. He has a fearsome army of a few thousand trojans. So, what is "Ur"?

Obviously, Ur was a Knight/Almarian Humanoid build, considering that Trojans are made of Regret and Despair, and Arkus gives hints. I'll talk about trojans later.

So Ur was a Conqueror, who died before he could rule the known world. This regret caused his transformation. Unlike most trojans, he was a special case, similar to Maulos, so he had a different apperance and was sentience/conscious enough to lead his army. I, currently am not too sure on what happens, he either terrorized Mortal Plane, then was sent to the underworld, or we was warped there. I'm guessing the former. Then he controlled the underworld. I dunno how long, but since Fiends on cradle can't return there, they could only SUMMON them. So either Ur is just chillin' there or is in some kind of stasis/has own land seperate from other parts of the underworld.

Jdavis(Bopp) also mentioned that the word Ur is German for Original or Primeval. This hints that Ur could've been the first trojan to come into existance. If this is true, how others did could be a curse or just less commonplace before Ur.

How Trojan's are Born?

WHen a Knight dies and their soul is so much in despair, for a long amount of time, their soul(and sometimes their corpse)undergoes metamorphosis. They would have their soul crystalise, and it's linked to their baggage, in the form of the statues. They would usually be inert, and has no shard, but when they awaken, they become active. They're usually agressive......Sometimes, the shard could be embeded into the person's own body(Arkus), or that the baggage is in a different form(Maulos/Ur [possibly]).

Arkus could've been like how he is because me may've been not released from his body? Anyhelp?

Why do Mecha Knights heavily resemble knights?(With a side of why hate knights??)

This used to bother me, and the awnser is obvious, but, I'm just like that. So:

  • The knights only crashed two years ago.
  • Yet, even before you reach missions where Mecha Knights first appear/Arcade levels one you reach haven, the Anchient Generator has several Mecha Knight parts strewn around. How did the Gremlins even get the idea of knight-like creatures if they never saw them until then?

It kinda was obvious. Since Gremlins do CW matinence, they would've encountered the remnants of Almire, or The Ghost in the Machine facility. Their encounter with them could've caused distrust when the Knights crashed, and the abilites the knights used were then adapted into the Mecha Knights.

Quick Thoughts

Brief posts.

Quick Thoughts: Lichens and Meteor Motes

My log in timed out, meaning my lengthier post is shortened. Thanks systems -_-
You know about lichens. Not part of the captured worlds, but crashed down here(lured by Cradle similar to the knights) in Meteors. Now, do you think that the first samples of Meteor Mote could've came from them?

Quicker thoughts: If Playing God is a Sin, then Cradle is hell

It's pretty easy to make life in this game.
Robots can be sentient(We have no ingame proof, ..yet). Could the ones trapped under their programing somehow gain awareness of their surroundings? Only to be slaughtered my a random Lumber Smash, or falling through a Hole, or being in the path of Genocide?
And the Biotoxin made my Herex creating Toxoils. When he realised they gained more intelligence than they should've, he burned them all.
And Speaking of Genocide, due to Biscotti's screw up twice in a row of using Dark Matter, and created life.
Tasty, tasty, corrupted life.
And we kill 'em.
For the same cake hat.
Each year.
I wouldn't be surprised if the knights all died in the crash, and cradle was a representation of hell.

Spiral Astronomy

It's been pondered over how Cradle operates and orbits, and many have queried the logic behind its day-night cycle.
The perpetually sunny establishment of Haven is likely due to the fact that Cradle takes the same amount of time to orbit the system's central star (titled "sun" in the game files, although this might not be its actual name) than it takes the surface of cradle to perform one revolution around its axis. This results in one side of the planet always staying in the sunlight while the other side is always dark. A real-life example of this is Earth's moon's 28 day rotation and orbit around Earth: we always see the same side of the moon.

If the Dark Harvest Festival is assumed to be Cradle's two weeks of "Night", then this can be used as evidence to support the fact that cradle is a natural satellite (moon) of another celestial body (planet) orbiting the central star. Cradle's orbit around the planet would be matched by its surface rotation speed in the opposite direction, and the period of time where the planet comes inbetween cradle and the central star results in a "Cradle Eclipse" and a period of darkness. The fact that it lasts two whole weeks instead of only a few minutes or hours is a result of the difference in size between the orbited planet and Cradle, or the orbit speed of Cradle, both of which require additional research.

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