Gaming Knights (Guild)/Event Week

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Revision as of 09:31, 25 August 2013 by GamerN64 (Talk | contribs)

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Event Week!

There has been some changes made to the order of events at the beginning of the month. We are changing the Attendance Check and other guild events from the first of the every month to the first week of every month. It will be referred to as, "Event Week" (If anyone has any better names please let us know).

How "Event Week" works...

  • During Mondays of "Event Week", we will conduct our first set of events called "Guild Meetings", whereby we cover the important issues during the years of "Gaming Knights". During the events, the higher Officers and GMs will gain the power to demote and kick the inactive knights.
  • During Tuesdays to Thursdays of "Event Week", we will have our second set of events called "Guild Missions", whereby guildies of "Gaming Knights" can play guild events hosted by the higher guildies. Outsiders, including relatives of the guild are also allowed to participate.
  • During Fridays of "Event Week", we will have our last set of events called "Misc. Events", whereby we take a break from the events hosted during "Event Week".
  • If you do not own one of the requirements in the boxes below and you cannot obtain them within the time for the event, we will allow you to wear armor or helms that resemble or are equal in stats in place of the required items. This will not be a reoccurring thing so please gather the requirements as soon as possible!

We will also try to conduct the Attendance Check throughout this week so if you can't be on during Monday and Tuesday you will still be checked of as being active. However the main days we will have it are Monday and Tuesday. If you are not familiar with these events, please refer to the boxes below. Also if anyone has any ideas on guild events please refer to either Head GM, Gamer-Troopa or Head Officer, Cool-Knight.

Sadly, some people can't be on during this time so if you can't let the Head Officers or GMs know and we will arrange for you a small Event Week for you, it will be purposed to be just for you but if others can't be on during regular Event Week or you just want to join for more fun you may join as well! We can't leave anybody behind so expect Event Week to come to everybody!

We have decided that there will be 2 times for you to do an event a day, Once with GM Gamer-Troopa (Gamer's group should start around 4:00pm SGT) and once with GM Jonbottron (Jon's group should start around 7:00pm EST). There is no set time that we start a certain event, as long as there's 3 people that want to do it, we will start. If you do not make it in time for the signing up period, sorry better luck next time, the only other time you will be able to do an event not on the event day is on ACHF (Anything could happen Friday). Below is a link to convert our time zones into your time zone:

Any guildies that have a friend that may want to join tell them come on! We don't discriminate here, so ALL people are allowed to join in the festivities.

Due to the changes made during the "Battle Sprites" update, as of 30th July, there will be changes made to the guild missions hosted, to accommodate the new changes made in the update.

We try to make Event Week a fun and festive time for everyone in the guild and in the community so be excited when the first of the month comes! :D

Speedrun Challenge!

"Legend has it, that there exist a community of Spiralians, who devoted their lives to their made-up sport, which many would refer to as 'Speedrunning'. They devote their lives to finishing daily objectives and tasks in expeditions, as quickly as possible, even if they were to defy normal ways of thinking." - Gamer-Troopa

So... what is this "Speedrun Challenge"?


The guild page has been edited by:

  • Gamer-Troopa (Guild Master)
  • Jonbottron (2nd Guild Master)

If anyone has any ideas on anything to add to this wiki, feel free to ask either Gamer, Jon, or Cool for permission and if we approve you may edit the page. Also let any of us if we are online to review the changes and if we aren't online then tell any of the other Officers or wait until we do get online. You must be at least a Veteran to be able to edit the guild page!


~ The Editing Team

Link to the main page: Gaming Knights (Guild)

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