Gaming Knights (Guild)/Members' profiles

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Revision as of 16:45, 27 August 2013 by GamerN64 (Talk | contribs)

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This is the guild page of our Members' profiles in Gaming Knights.

The Gaming Guardians

This is the list of all well-known Gaming Knight members so far... If you're having problems in clockwork/arcade or mission runs, be sure to look for your desired member below and seek assistance from him/her in-game. Also, if you happen to not see your name on this list, please inform either Gamer-Troopa (GM) or Jonbottron (2nd GM) your info and we will input it as soon as we can.

Squad members

Gaming Knights crew Gamer-Troopa new.png Gaming Knights crew Jonbottron.png

Guild position: Creator; Head GM

Mission rank: Rank 10 (Vanguard)

Combat Specialty(s): Guardian specialist (Front)

Gender: Male

Guild position: 2nd Head GM

Mission rank: Rank 8-2 (Defender Elite)

Combat Specialty(s): All-Rounder (Front)

Gender: Male

Gaming Knights crew Gearless new.png Gaming Knights crew Cool-Night.png

Guild position: 2nd Head Officer

Mission rank: Rank 10 (Vanguard)

Combat Specialty: Cobalt specialist/All-Rounder (Front)


Guild position: Head Officer

Mission rank: Rank 10 (Vanguard)

Combat Specialty: Elemental Defender/Specialist (Front)

Gender: Male

Gaming Knights crew Super-Misho new.png

Guild position: Guild Officer

Mission rank: Rank 10 (Vanguard)

Combat Specialty: Dexless Striker (Front)

Gender: Male

Guild position: Guild Veteran

Mission rank: Rank 5-2 (Knight)

Combat Specialty: Striker (Front)

Gender: Male


This guild page is created/edited by:

  • Gamer-Troopa (Head Guild Master)
  • Jonbottron (2nd Guild Officer)

If you have anything to add to this page, be sure to look for either Gamer, Jon or Cool and if we approve you may edit the wiki. Remember to let us know if we're online to review the changes before we confirm the changes. Otherwise, you can look for other Officers or wait for either of us to go online. You must be at least a Veteran in the guild to be able to edit the page!

~ The Editing Team

Link to the main page: Gaming Knights (guild)

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