Granberia (Guild)

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Created by guild member Cevel (Elby).


Created by guild master Japhetcakes (Linkalee).

Guild Master: Japhetcakes (Linkalee)
Date Founded: February 6, 2013


Granberia is a small, obscure guild that defies small, obscure guilds. We have rich members, skilled members, and kind members, all working together to provide the best experience they can for eachother. I the guild master would like to share this guild with others, so the guild is now open for recruitment (of other honorable members only, please). If you enjoy the personality, reputation, and resources of larger guilds, but would like a quiet, more-subdued atmosphere, then this is the guild for you!

About the GM: Japhetcakes is the alt of Linkalee, an experienced knight who's been diving through the Clockworks almost continuously since September of 2011. Linkalee refuses to leave his dead guild, and being very shy, has never found another guild he really enjoyed, so he created this one. Link enjoys helping people he likes, spending money on things he doesn't need, making old-man jokes, and flailing his limbs at As- Gorgos.

Naming references:

Veteran Challenge Winners

To become a veteran in Granberia, members must solo the Snarbolax boss fight on elite difficulty without pets, revives, shields, or vitapods, and while wearing nothing but the guild uniform: a Spiral Scale Helm, Spiral Scale Mail, and any combination of Hot Edge, Spitfire, and Firecracker. Those who complete this challenge will have their names listed below:

  • Japhetcakes (Linkalee)
  • Cevel (Elby)

Rules and Regulations

Guild policies are as follows:


Ideally, all members should be polite, mature, honest individuals who don't annoy others. They should be good listeners who respect others, not obnoxious jerks that only care about themselves. Members must understand that they should give to balance what they take from others; "Can someone sell me 50ce for 3000cr?" and "Can someone help me in the Twins? I'm dead again" are acceptable guild chat messages, but "can i have 50ce" and "*send random invite without notice*" are annoying and members who say/do things like these will be demoted/removed. This is a place to have fun, but not at the expense of others. Be respectful and intelligent, and you'll be just fine.

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