Sparthens (Guild)

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Hello, visitors and guildmates alike. Welcome to the online home of the Spiral Knights guild Sparthens. We're developing, but we have ambition and goals, like anyone. I hope you enjoy the page, and if you are a visitor, consider joining the guild. No matter who you are, you have the potential to help us. So join!

Chief Author:


Co-Author and Chief Editor:

Theultralord and The-Ultralord (Same knight)





For Sparthens!

Guild Founder: Dark-Obelisk & Theultralord
Approx. Population: 60
Guild Master(s):
  • Dark-Obelisk
  • The-Ultralord
  • Theultralord
Guild Officer(s):
  • Loduten
  • Phoenix-Wyvern
  • Deathshadow-Tech


Sparthens is still growing so we aren't done yet!

  • If you were insulted by any of these titles, don't. These were humorous titles and should not be taken seriously. Deathshadow-Tech, they are probably temporary. These are Theultralord's requests. Dont ask me why.

Written by Theultralord.

About Sparthens

We're a growing, all-tier, knight friendly guild! We may not be the richest, or the most popular, or the most, err, "Coliseum-ish", but you know. Guild's gotta start somewhere right?

To Join

To join Sparthens contact a GM or officer via mail and they'll consider(they'll probably let you in).


As a guild there are obviously some limitations in what you can do in the guild. These rules will be monitored strictly, and insubordination will be treated with. Please follow them.

Having problems?

If you have any problems with the way a guild member is treating you contact a GM or officer. If you wish to file a complaint for anything, send a mail with proper punctuation (I cant tell you how important that is) to a GM or Officer.

Guild Members

Rank Advancement



2. Mail your ideas for new guild rooms to Phoenix-Wyvern NOW!! (At the moment, he wants a bar, lounge, and/or barracks)

3. If you want to carry out a guild fundraiser or feel that we should have a meeting to discuss something, please contact an Officer or GM.

4. We are still waiting for the return of Dark-Obelisk. He has gone to help a friend and he should be back anytime. (hopefully)

5. Wish a fond farewell to one of our outbound officers, Deathshadow-Tech. A loyal member of our guild, he has served tirelessly only to find that he wants to create a guild of his own with his friends from his school. No hard feelings! At the end of the year, as per his goal, he will be forming his own guild called Torchwood (the name sounded cool to him), but we will engage in close alliance with his guild. Best wishes! We'll help you along the way!

6. See point 2, but WE NEED THAT 200K CROWNS!! I dont think you guys get the point of this. Here we have Dale-Cohanger, Phoenix-Wyvern, Deathshadow-Tech, Loduten, and The-Ultralord donating and/or working tirelessly to ensure we get properly up and running, while you inactives and hoarders are holding back your cash. With your help, we'll make the guild a better place. If you help us, we'll have more than that one new floor. We'll have a skyrise guild hall, with Training Rooms, Coliseum Rooms, Accessory Rooms, Unbinding/UV Rooms, AH Rooms, a Bar, a Lounge, a Garden, a Boss Room, and SO MUCH MORE!! But we can't do it without your help. We need you, Sparthenians. Lend a hand! (Oh, by the way, if you dont, you're going to have to start paying taxes) (No pressure though)

Guild Procedures


Yeah. Sorry. But due to the inactivity of around 40 out of 60 members of the guild, Theultralord and Phoenix-Wyvern have been forced to implement taxes. Dont blame them, those 40 forced their hand. Here is the proposed tax plan. It will be pretty lenient, but it will be monitored EVERY SUNDAY. Be prepared to pay! If you do not pay for one whole month without declaring absence, we will be forced to take... measures...

Here is how the plan will work.

PROPOSED Mandatory Payments--NOT FINAL

1. 100cr per week per knight in the guild. Not including Alts.

2. There must be one 1000cr donation at the end of the month, replacing the final 100cr payment.

3. Tax will be "collected" on Sundays, and will be monitored using the Guild Record.

4. ANY KNIGHT WHO DOES NOT PAY FOR ONE MONTH'S PAYMENT WILL BE a) interrogated if he comes online OR b) if he does not come online for a week after we figure that out, he will be demoted and/or kicked from Sparthens.

5. Notify an officer or guild master if you are taking leave. you will be excused from that week's payments.

6. We will appoint a tax collector officer. More on this part soon.

Guild Fundraisers

Silver Key Fundraiser

If a member of the guild is willing to donate the profit made off of an opened iron lockbox to the guild, he can start this fundraiser. Members must donate energy to that player, and the player will use the engergy to craft a silver key. The key opens the lockbox and something is found inside.

If the item is valuable, it will be sold off the AH and the profit will be split among the guild, the owner of the lockbox, and the biggest sponsor.

If the item is not so valuable, the item goes to the biggest sponsor for him/her to do whatever with it.

Guild Events

Guild Meetings

1. The meeting is conducted with parliamentary procedure. If you dont know what that is, search it up.

2. There will be NO deviation from topic UNLESS Phoenix-Wyvern is conducting a drinks break and is serving you drinks from his portable bar.

3. If more than half of the online guild members are not able to attend, the meeting will be voiced IN GUILD CHAT. If you dont know what that is, its just: "/g Hey. I'm guild chatting." on the SK Chat server.

4. Until we have a proper guild meeting room, all meeting will be conducted in the Sparthens Office in the guild's left wing. All members MUST follow the guild rules. Absolutely NO profanity at guild meetings. Guild Masters sit in the front, guests at the back of the table.

5. The center chair is reserved for whoever is holding the meeting, and ONLY them. That person gets to lead the meeting and carry out procedures.

6. A Guild Master or Officer MUST be present for ANY meeting to take place. The meeting MUST be on the weekends, because Phoenix-Wyvern, Theultralord, and/or Loduten are usually on then.

7. Have fun! :)

Guild Party

1. Guild MUST be open to all visitors.

2. There must be more than 4 people in the GH to consider it a party, and it CANNOT be a guild meeting.

3. Parties can be thrown, say, when we make certain accomplishments, like new rooms, new wings, new floors, new themes, etc.

4. Do what you want. Dont get drunk on Phoenix-Wyvern's drink cart. AND PLEASE FOLLOW THE GUILD RULES

5. An officer and/or guild master MUST be present.

Menu for Phoenix-Wyvern's Drink Cart (its free!)

This month's specials include:

1. Proto Pepsi

2. Flame Fanta

3. Crimsonite Coke

4. Spooky Sprite (Dark Harvest Festival Special!)

Ask him for the drinks! He'll be happy to oblige.


It can give people a LOT of medical problems. Theultralord had to undergo serious therapy and rehab for a week before he got over THAT.

Thanks so much!

To all people who took the time to read this page, thank you.

To Guild Members

I hope you take the rules seriously. Please follow them. As for the other notes on guild procedures, we hope you enjoy your stay in Sparthens! Every single one of you has the potential to make this guild better! Our goal is to get up there, in league with guilds like Echo of Silence, Rogue, Is a Vampire, Dark Hearts, and Hamsterz. Thanks!

For Visitors

I hoped you liked this page. Please consider joining us, as we have potential.

To All

If anything can make this page better, your comments can. In the talk page, please post:

1. How the actual site could be improved

2. How the guild rules and procedures could be improved

3. Your thoughts on Sparthens

Thanks everyone!


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