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Vitapods are items that increase the maximum available health of a knight.


A players's HUD before (above) and after (below) getting a 1 vitapod.

A white capsule with a red and white heart icon on top, each vitapod has a red number on its side indicating the amount of health bars the player will gain. Because the health bars added by a vitapod are empty, players will need to find hearts to fill the additional bars.

When you run over a vitapod you will pick it up automatically and its health bonus will be added to the vitapods you may already be carrying.


Various sized vitapods that give 1, 12 and 27 extra health bars, respectively.

The value of the vitapod is always evenly divisible by the tier it is dropped in. Although stronger vitapods have been available in earlier versions of the game, the strongest vitapod currently available gives 21 more health (only achievable in the Shadow lairs).

See Also

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