The Night's Watch (Guild)

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Guild Summary

The Night's Watch
GuildLogo-The Night's Watch.png

'For this night, and all nights to come

Guild Founder: Lycheesoup, Perronius
Approx. Population: 140
Guild Master(s):
  • Maester: Lycheesoup
  • Lord Commander: Perronius
  • The Blue Tank Armadillo: Fourtarkus
  • Colorful Duke: Johnthegreenguy
  • Syphref
Guild Officer(s):
  • Lord Steward Killkoek
  • Graphotism
  • Dementia-Praecox
  • Grantgalitz
  • Kightsbridge
  • Matrim-Cauthon
  • Tankshell

The Night's Watch is dedicated to the defense of the Wall, as well as the support of our guild mates and those around us when their need is greatest.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all nights to come.

The Watch is composed of the three orders: the Rangers, warriors who defend the Wall with their swords; the Builders, who maintain the fortifications and the munitions alike; and the Stewards, whose hunting and marksmanship supports the operations of the Nights Watch.

The Night's Watch (TNW) is ALL about having fun. The guild is a giant family; helping one another out, and spreading the love, from Haven to the Core. We respect each others views and thoughts, and share our own. We frequently run almost everything: Missions, Danger Missions, Daily Missions, Clockworks, Boss Runs, Basil Run, and Shadow Lair Runs! Every guild member contributes to the wonderful Night's Watch. The Nights Watch were also winners of the Spiral Knights Olympic Games 2013.


These are our expectations of members of The Watch:

"'Be Courteous
Be kind and considerate of your fellow members. For instance, do not send random run invites without first consulting with your invitees. To that point, DO NOT join a run without asking. Ever. Courtesy is key.

Be Mature
Good-natured fun is central to our guild, but let us not taint this with immaturity. Don't be afraid to carry a conversation, but please be respectful if an officer asks you to curb your conversation and/or language. Also, please keep in mind that there are younger players, know who you're playing with, and be sensitive.

Be Communicative
Talk to other members, and be friendly. Guild Chat is by no means restricted for specific use. However, please note that we don't mind the use of shorthand, but don't make it a habit. "1337" speak and other similar 'txt languages' get in the way of clear communication.

Be Ambitious
Like the above point, the Watch understands that you don't want to run all day every day. However, if you're not improving your gear and skills, you're dragging down your teammates and guildmates when you do run with them. Therefore, the Watch has the following guidelines:

  1. We expect 2* players to advance to 3* and 4* within a month
  2. We expect 4* players to advance into at least partial 5* gear within one month

Be Active
We expect you to have a life outside of Spiral Knights, but we also require that you keep in touch with us if you're going to be away. Please contact an Officer if you can't be active for an extended period of time. We are an Eastern Standard Time guild primarily, so the best time to find the Watch at work in the Royal Jelly Palace or Firestorm Citadel is evenings EST.

These are guidelines, so the Watch officers can be flexible about your situation, but we think these are fair targets for even Free to Play recruits.

Guild Hall Rules

These are our rules. We can be flexible and read about a "misunderstanding", or issue a warning, but in the case where you have been acting in breach of them, results may include reprimand, punishment by demotion or expulsion, depending on the severity of the case.

  1. DO NOT take from the mist well, without a GM or an Officer's permission.
  2. DO NOT beg from Watch members or otherwise for cr/ce/items/gear/material/other.
  3. DO NOT join a run without asking the members of the Party before joining.
  4. DO NOT send Party invites to other members without asking first.
  5. DO NOT take anything from the Guild Storage(s) without first asking a GM or an Officer's permission.
  6. Please ask a GM/Officer for permission to make any changes to the guild, and ask again for them to publish them. Remember, if you buy an item, it comes out of the Guild's funds, not your own. As such, you will be expected to make a donation equal to the cost of the purchased item(s).

Please note:

  • TNW's Guild Hall runs on donations only. You are by no means forced to add to our upkeep, or inventory of items. It does help to keep our beautiful Guild Hall, up and running, and all donations, be them crowns, CE or items are gladly accepted, and very much appreciated.
  • GM/Officers were uniforms inside of the Guild Hall for quick and easy access, and to make them easy to identify. The uniform is as follows: Tricorne/Chap/Cowboyhat+Wolver/Flak.

For an F.A.Q on TNW's GuildHall click here



Recruits: New members of the Watch will start as Recruits.

Members: Once you have been a part of TNW for 2 weeks, you can fill out a request to have a veteran do a quick run with you. This can be RJP, a quick CW run, Vanaduck if you so choose. This will allow them to get a good grasp on how well you have mastered the art of combat, as well as a good time to converse with you whilst fighting. The veteran will then send a message to the GM team to advise us that the run has been completed to their satisfaction, and will give us the suggestion of either promotion, or a second run with another vet to get deeper insight into you. Again, I stress that your skill does not enter into member consideration; only your personality and willingness to contribute positively to the guild.

Veterans: To become a veteran, you will fill out a request form, to be released after the initial choices are made, at which point an officer/Gm will do a run with you on elite, and converse about all the different aspects of the game, and our history. At this point, the GM team will review the application and the opinion put forth by the tester, and ideally a new veteran will be raised, in a kick ass ceremony.

If you're interested in applying for membership in our guild, please do so here, or if you're not a part of Reddit here.

Guild Buy/Sell List

We're working on a bit of a pricing spreadsheet to help guildmates see trends in UV/item prices and improve our knowledge base. The survey form is available here; for the spreadsheet link, please ask an officer or guildmaster.

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