Joie de Vivre (Guild)

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Joie de Vivre
GuildLogo-Joie de Vivre.png

Joie de Vivre [ZHwä də ˈvēvrə] : Enjoyment of Life

Guild Founder: Iqun
Approx. Population: 6
Guild Master(s):

Iqun, VividLight

Guild Officer(s):

Zuhubu, StealthyMango

Guild Summary

Joie de Vivire, pronounced ZHwä də ˈvēvrə (Zwa day Viv-ray) , comes from a French phrase meaning enjoyment of life. We chose this name because we felt it perfectly explains our hopes for the guild- we want Joie de Vivre to become a guild full of friends, where everyone is living to the fullest and having fun. So, with that in mind, we're mainly looking for interesting, upbeat members. We have regular games of tag and musical chairs in the guild hall, and, on the topic of guild activities, we try to do missions and clockworks-runs throughout the week with any members who are online.

We have large plans for the guild hall itself, and are donating a lot of time and crowns towards realizing our dreams, however, there are no required tithes. That said, a weekly donation to help pay the upkeep is very much appreciated, and is a good way to get noticed by the officers and guild masters.

How to Join

We are currently not actively looking for members, but if you'd like to join, send a mail to either VividLight or Iqun, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Guild Rules

1. Respect the guild.

This means making a good public image, not swearing at, or insulting, people, trying to aid anyone asking for help, and generally being polite around the SpiralKnights universe.

2. Be a good SpiralKnights member.

Rule two is similar to rule one, but emphasizes the way in which you're to interact with none-guild members- in a polite and helpful way. Also, if you see any bad behavior, remember to report it with proof.

3. Do not modify the guild hall without at least two guild masters' approval.

Rule three is simple, and only applies to officers; do not modify the guild hall without the consent of at least two guild masters.

4. Follow the rules.

A simple, but important rule; if you do not follow the rules, you may be demoted or outright removed, based on your offense.

Guild Roster


  • Iqun
  • VividLight


  • Zuhubu
  • StealthyMango



  • Anamasion
  • Erard


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