Challengers (guild)

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There is no challenge too great for us to master.

Guild Founder: Evaria
Approx. Population: 1
Guild Master(s):
  • Evaria
Guild Officer(s):
  • n/a


In this guild, we do things that are daring, dangerous, and considered impossible. We do experiments that no one else is willing to do, just for the heck of it. There is no challenge to great for us to master. If you ever wanted to be able to tell your friends, "I killed Vanaduke with only water," this is your big chance. If you ever wanted to say, "I beat a Battle Arena with no weapons," sign up here. And you know what the best part is?

Doing it all with awesome friends who are just as pumped for the challenge as you are.

Rules & Ranks

Our standards are VERY high. If you want to join this guild, you have to demonstrate a very high level of skill with your weapons. You have to be proficient in most of the game's techniques, and you have to be able to succeed at any unexpected situation, both personal and on the battlefield. You can't pull off impossible challenges if you can't even swing your sword properly.

Below is a list of things you should know by name and master:

  • Shield-bumping
  • Shield-canceling
  • Switch-shooting
  • Mid-stepping
  • Kiting
  • Mob spawn points
  • Mob attack patterns
  • Level design
  • Teamwork

If any of the above items are unfamiliar to you, this guild may not be right for you.

To get promoted, you must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Recruit: Join the guild.
  • Member: Show proficiency with the skills listed above.
  • Veteran: Reach Vanguard rank, then impress the pants off me with a stunt of your choice.
  • Officer: Demonstrate effective guild management abilities.
  • Guild Master: Not currently available.
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