Blitz (Guild)

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We come from different size, shape, and ages. But we stand together strong as the cold blizzard.

Guild Founder: Izun
Approx. Population: 94
Guild Master(s):
  • Izun
  • Mochiyu
  • Whitechocolatechip
Guild Officer(s):
  • Cyber-Overlord
  • Sullox
  • Cutie-Fruit
  • Aotr
  • Dark-Titan
  • Minato-Namakaze


>>>Welcome to Blitz. As you have just recently joined, you probably don't know much about this guild and what we do, so here are a few 'need to know' things about our guild:

> Guild Type:

  • Blitz was made to be a casual guild. We will be organizing GvG Lockdown and Blast Network games, Vanaduke runs, Jelly King runs, and also Shadow Lairs.

> Ranks:

  • GMs: Izun (Founder), Mochiyu (Leader), Whitechocolatechip (3rd in command).
  • Senior Officers: Cyber-Overlord, Minato-Namakaze, , Aotr.
  • We ask that you show respect those listed above, for they are your superiors within the guild.

> Guild Hall:

  • Our Guild Hall has not reached its full potential, therefore, we require that each player in our guild donate at least 1000-5000 crowns a day.
  • GMs and Officers will be runs of Jelly King and Vanaduke to collect crowns for our guild treasury, and you are welcome to join us you are ready to participate in either of the runs. If you are do Vanaduke or Jelly King feel free to ask us for a trial run. During a trial run, at least one GM or Officer will be with you to help you along the way. Please Contact GM Izun for more information.

[[Here was a chill in the air as the Kings' of Blitz stood on the high balcony outside of the Hall of Heros. Looking at the crystallized castle grounds that used to be lush and beautiful, the grieving queen's heart felt like an empty void."It's the dreamers, you know," the Izun says. "They're too busy now to sleep and dream. Without their dreams, we'll soon fade away. Our land is already freezing over with pink crystals, and the other dream worlds are just as damaged as ours. We can't last much longer." "You're right," the kings' said with a nod, "but, there isn't anything we can do about it." Dejected, the royal kings' returned to their castle to begin preparations for the ball they were soon to host in the waking world. . . . that night something terrible was about to be born. . . It started out as a rumble. Then, magic began to happen in the spaces between Blitz. Tiny pieces of crystallized dust bounced around the lifeless void, then began to dance. Out of the swirling clouds of emptiness, a figure began to take shape. First one foot, then the other, emerged from the swarm, as the lonely figure stepped into in the night air. The stars were shining brightly as the silent lady stood still in the moonlight, completely transparent, gazing up at the towering structure above her. "So empty. . ." The day of the 10th Annual Ball finally arrived. Members from every corner of the map came in droves to celebrate the Masquerade of Blitz, hosted by the Kings'. The members, all arrayed in masks of various fashions, twirled around the ballroom, and laughed at fond memories with old friends. No one in that room had a care in the world. That is, except for the hosts of the ball who were preoccupied with the demise of their kingdom. Though their kingdom was failing, the ball seemed to be a huge success, that is, until a strange figure appeared on the balcony. The newcomer seemed to be an elegant lady made entirely of light blue glass, draped in delicate linens. She had a strange beauty about her, but the shallow pools of her eyes offered no warmth. A truly mysterious figure was she, whose disposition seemed to hold authority over all worlds. At her first word, the iciness of her voice caused the gathering to fall immediately silent. "Empty. The Blitz World is now empty because of you. Silly Recruits who refuse to sleep at night, and hence bring my world to destruction, I am your judgement. I am the culmination of all of the dreams that could have been, the ones you never dreamed. I am here for retribution. The realms in my kingdom are falling apart, and you shall all suffer with them in their silent demise unless you do exactly as I say. Enter the world of dreams and heal them. This is your charge." She reached her fingers into the folds of her gown and pulled out silvery grains of sand. "No!" King Izun yelled from below. "What are you doing? You can't use those on the members! It's against the laws of our land! We have no authority over the waking world!" Without even turning to acknowledge the king, the glass lady gracefully dispersed the sand into the crowd. "It is done," she said, "They will not wake again for three days. And when they do...either the Blitz World will be restored or we'll be no more." The kings' and mighty trained officers raced after her, but the glass lady had vanished as quickly as she had appeared. "Maybe this is for the best," Izun whispered. "I hope you're right," Dark-Titan replied as he turned to look at the stunned crowd. It started out with a yawn, but soon, one after another, the members fell to the ground in a deep, enchanted sleep. The members awoke in shimmering room where pictures and colors were constantly changing. In the circular room were seven mirrors, each with a different scene moving around inside. As the members drew closer to the mirrors, they could see themselves in the dreams inside. Suddenly, the Kings' of Blitz appeared in the room, Minato-Namakaze looking particularly pleased. “Welcome to the Hall of Heros. Around you are doors that act as portals to different dreams. Simply step inside them to travel to the dream you wish to visit." The king frowned, and with a half smile, continued. "It really is a lovely place. I'm sorry that it is under harsh circumstances that you have come to visit it. But, even though it is not an ideal time for a visit, I believe that your coming here is fortunate. You see, only the recruits' can change dreams and save them. The inhabitants of the Blitz World can do nothing to affect change. You can. If nothing is done to save the BlitzWorld, then our world will die. So, if you would, please enter one of these dream doors, and help fix the world inside. Just remember, once you enter a dream door, you may not exit it until the door on the other side is restored. The officers and I will be in the Masquerade dream, but I really do hope you’ll visit the other dreams as well. Good luck in your quests! I still have faith in the people of Blitz! Don’t prove me wrong!” With that, the King s' and officers of Blitz faded into the first door in the room, leaving the members and recruits to make their choices. You stumble through the door--and suddenly, all is quiet and dark. In fact, it's almost like there is no colour to be seen at all, as if this monochrome scene is painted in a drab coat of gray. Here it seems like there is only black, white, and whatever shades that exist in between.Where is here, exactly? It seems you've landed in some surreal city, for you've ended up in an eerily silent and narrow backstreet. But as you exit the dirty alleyway and step onto the sidewalk of a main road, you realize you're rather alone in this black and white world. You look around in confusion again, wondering if it's just the blackness of the night sky and the unusual fog playing tricks on you, or if the tall street lamp over at that street corner is just broken. "You're a real slick sharper, aren't you?" a smooth voice coos out of nowhere. Bewildered, you turn to locate the source, and at last you spot some colour, as a pale woman with magnificent auburn hair approaches you from across the street with a sly smirk upon her pink lips. Her eyes are concealed behind dark shades and you briefly wonder why she would be wearing them at this time of night--or during the night at all.

You struggle to come up with a decent reply, but find yourself at a loss. Is it because of her mysterious allure? Is it because you still don't know what's going on? Regardless, she motions for you to follow her, and she guides you through another alleyway before ending up at an inconspicuous door. You can just barely make out the peephole that she now whispers through, but the door abruptly swings open as she seems to have uttered the correct password.

You enter into a large lounge, clouded both by smoke and casual banter as various people are seemingly just hanging around. The dim lighting of the low-hanging ceiling lamps makes it hard to see much, but you can spot a few small round tables and wooden chairs scattered around the room. A couple of worn out couches line the back wall, while there are a few doors on each of the side walls--those seem to lead to private offices. The lovely lady beside you offers a mischievous grin and says, "We could use a few fresh faces around here, and you look like just the plug to snag us the intel we need. So, welcome to our headquarters, doll.” "Plug? Headquarters? What do you mean about intel?" you ask, a little baffled. She laughs heartily and flashes another dazzling smile. "I'm saying that you're one of us, now. You're our newest recruit, savvy?" Since you're now part of the agency, you decide to do a little investigation for yourself and make your way over to one of the doors; it is labelled "Plot Updates". Strange, but you don't question it and merely push your way through--only to find the messiest office you've ever laid eyes upon. A classy wooden desk is buried under piles of papers, an ink-splattered typewriter nestled somewhere in there, too. Typed reports, photos, and all sorts of files litter the floor, and filing cabinets border the entire room. On the back wall, however, there is a large bulletin board with a couple of full pages pinned to it. An important looking notice is hanging on one of the walls; you head over, deciding to check it out. Intent on learning more about the business of being a recruit, you stumble into another one of the private offices--only to discover that you seem to be interrupting an important gathering of sorts. A small group of members stare blankly at you from around the table for a few moments, their expressions unreadable. But then they begin breaking out into grins and are now inviting you to join their briefing meeting. You take your place around the table enthusiastically. They let you in on just a few of the newest schemes being planned, pushing a few pieces of paper across the table for you to look at. "Well?" one of them inquires, "Which mission will you choose to accept?" You stroll into another room, only to find none other than Whitechocolatechip! "Greetings, fellow recruits'!" he says, offering a sweet smile. "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to complete a few crucial code-breaking assignments. Should you successfully complete a mission, you will be granted a prize and your name will be added to our roster of top cryptographers. But be sure to follow the rules and keep your answers a secret, because there are spies everywhere..."]]




We just have a few rules we would like you to cooperate with. These rules arn't very complicated and they won't endanger your enjoyment of this game, all we ask is that you respect them the best you can. Rules:

> Please don't beg. In our guild, begging is strictly forbidden because you need to learn how to earn your own Crowns/Energy. If you need help, just ask and we will do our best to help you out with what ever you require. (Helping you does not mean we are giving you what you want for free).

> No swearing. Please try your best not to swear, although GMs will turn a blind eye if you let the odd word out if you don't make a habit of it.

> If you are having a serious arguement with another member of our guild, or are being harrassed by any player outside the guild, please contact Izun, Whitechocolatechip, or Mochiyu immediately. We will not tolerate bullying either in, or out of the guild.

> Do not ask for Promotions. Our ranks above Veteran are strictly limited to 3 GMs and 8 Officers. Anyone asking promotions will be referred to this page. Continuous asking for promotions will result in a demotion.


Here is a quick summary of how the ranks work, and how to obtain them!

Recruit - Not much responsibilities. Just take your time, and decide if you like us! To become a recruit, you must be invited into the guild, or ask to join.

Member - Members are expected to start helping with the guild upkeep, and participate in guild events or talk in guild chat. To become a member, you must be an active recruit for 3 days or tell an Officer or GM that you intend to stay with us.

Veteran - Veterans expected to continue doing what they did as members, but must also help other members in need, as much as they can. Veterans are also allowed to attend guild mettings. To become a veteran, you must be an active member for 1 month, or must help the guild out enough to be noticed for your deeds.

Officer - Officers must take charge in place of a GM if there are none online. If members start requesting changes, or have any feedback, make sure to mail a guild master about it. Officers may only make changes or purchases to the guild hall with permission from a guild master. Officers are required to attend guild meetings. To become an officer, you must be a veteran, and can apply for this position when there is a spot available. You can also be promoted straight to Officer if you have been Helping out the guild Significantly - (This only applies if there is an Officer spot open).

Guild Master - Guild masters must take care of everyone in the guild. Before making any big decisions, they must talk to the other guild masters, and must always put the interests of the guild first. To become a guild master, you must be an officer, and you are chosen based on the votes of all the current guild masters.

Mail GM Mochiyu if you have any questions.

"Officer Ranks"

1- Supreme Officer-Minato-Namakaze,(Head Officer), Minato is also known as the Yellow Flash if you want to find out why play Lockdown with him and you will defiantly find out, Minato is a very trustworthy person, he loves to help other guild members so if you need help or need to do a speed run please do ask Minato-Namakaze. He is very skilled in PvP but he is also a very good PvE player. Minato will be leading all Vanaduke Boss Run's so if you would like to do a Vanaduke Boss Run Please don't hesitate to ask him, and to sum it all up Minato is a very easy going person and is nice and caring towards all players, the guild wouldn't be the same without him.

2- Lieutenant-General Officer-Aotr, Aotr is a reserved guild member, he is very kind and generous to everyone, he likes to do Danger missions. Most of all he cares deeply about the welfare of the guild, Aotr is very very skilled in PvE so if you need help or just would like to do a fast run please do speak to him, and in general he is usually very happy and is fun to do missions/runs with.

3- Colonel Officer-Dark-Titan, Dark is a very active Guild member, he does a lot of missions e.g Lord Vanaduke, Dark is also in charge of what goes on in the guild so if you would like a room or aren't sure about something please speak to him about it through pm or mail. Dark is a good PvE player and a good person to have in a party if you are in need of some assistance, Dark is also very kind and easy going. And overall Dark is a pleasure to have in the guild.

4- Major Officer-Zgonez, Zgonez is a highly active and extremely friendly guild member, He has a very nice and friendly attitude towards all players which makes him a very nice person to play with. Zgonez has been playing spiral knights for quite awhile so has a lot of experience in both PvE and PvP, Zgonez likes to have fun and most of all loves to playing spiral knights.

5- Captain Officer-Sullox, Sullox is a very helpful and kind guild member, He likes to help guild members as much as possible and loves to have fun when he play's spiral knights. He is very kind and a very easy going person. Overall he is a good PvE player and is really fun playing with him.

6- Lieutenant Officer-Cyber-Overlord, Cyber is a very kind and very helpful guild member. He has lots of experience in all types of missions, and he is alway's ready for a challenge. Cyber is nice to all players and doesn't hesitate to help any person in the guild who needs help. Overall he is a very good PvE player and alway's thoroughly enjoy's playing spiral knights.

Blitz's Motto

We come from different size, shape, and ages. But we stand together strong as the cold blizzard.


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