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Greetings, Stalker

I originally discovered Spiral Knights during a chat with fellow refugees from a recently collapsed MMO. One person in particular mentioned his experiences in SK's Beta and extrapolated on the game's relatively unique blend of traits. My interest aroused, I quickly subjugated Google to my will and probed into previously unknown depths, seeking a new source of pleasure.
Lo and behold, there she lay, freshly released from her Beta bondage. A few clicks later, and she was spread across my monitor, ready and waiting for me.

I played Spiral Knights sporadically since official release, under the alias 'Smashcraft', up until Feb 28, 2012, when I learned that future content updates would utilize DLC-style implementation.
Spiral Knights provided me with some great entertainment value - I regret neither the time nor money spent here. However, the eventually severely redundant gameplay experience, combined with the seeming inevitability of payment restricted content, compelled me to move on.

Fast-forward two years. With OCH now purchasable via energy, I introduce my little bro to the game and break my hiatus in time for the 3rd year anniversary event. Although there's still a profound lack of substantial, permanent content updates, Spiral Knights still provides some occasional amusement; but more importantly, it gives me another way to stay in touch with family back home. Guess I'll be flickering around for a while.

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