Maelstorm (Guild)

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"If we combine our powers, we can overcome anything!"

Guild Founder: Camerz and Izun
Approx. Population: ~86 and growing
Guild Master(s):
  • Izun
  • Camerz
  • Whitechocolatechip
Guild Officer(s):
  • Xiarn
  • Zgonez
  • Aotr
  • Cyber-Overlord
  • Minato-Namikaze
  • Nimiri

Ϡ Joining Our Guild

Are you asking these questions? Which type of guild is your guild.?.... what do we have to do to join your guild.?.... or I'm looking for a "Certain type of guild".

Well.... are you looking for an active guild? A guild that would care for others and won't let others down? A guild that has no tests or requirements to join? A guild that would help others and that would allow you to help others? Well guess what, your at the right place, join our guild and achieve your dreams.

Ϡ Who We Are

We are a fun loving guild. We love to help each other out and work as a team. We are a friendly guild that does kindly actions to others, that being said we ask you to kind as well. We are a guild with hope and determination over the guild, and wish to show the SK community who are and how great we are. We wish to see the SK community looking up at us and at our actions and wishing that they were like us, and happy about our guild. We try to make our guild members have fun and not be miserable and hate the guild. We also wish that one the day SK community with look up at us, and be like can we join your guild, and the SK community asking if they could join our guild without asking us, that would make us proud, proud that all the Determination put as to there. We are a FAMILY, and since we are we will treat others like we are one.

Ϡ Guild Requirements

We are looking for members who would bring joy to the guild and excitement to the guild. We are looking for members who are kind, helpful and loyal to the guild. Therefore we ask you, if you join our guild or if you are in our guild, please be kind and respectful, otherwise we will kick you, we will give you 3 strikes and the 3rd means your kicked or demoted. We ask you to show the community that we aren't mean to each other and we care for each other.

Ϡ Mage Ranking Test

The ranks are: S-Class Mage, A-Class Mage, B-Class Mage, C-Class Mage, D-Class Mage, E-Class Mage.


Ϡ Tips, Tricks and Game Play Guides

Ϡ Guild Rank Requirements/Promotion Requirements

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