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Equipment-Lithium31337 icon.png Ssosme
Joined: March/26th/2012
Rank: Vanguard
Guild: The Cursed Wanderers
Achievements: 60/60



uhhh hello! I'm Ssosme, I've been with spiral knights for a couple years and I'm just gonna tell you some things about me! I started SK around March 26th, 2012. I came cause I thought it was interesting and looked cool. I played it and I enjoyed it! I spent a couple weeks until I ran into a fellow by the name of "Cptbattlefield" he was a pretty swag at the time. We had a guild for a long time and then we invited someone else by the name of "Ryan-Kit." Me and Ryan we're close pals. We we're trust friends to one another! Slower the guild died and Cptbattlefield was banned -- and I never figured out why. Me and Ryan tried to create our own guild and which we did. It was quite some time ago, I sadly don't remember the name of the guild. It also eventually died as well as Ryan was starting to leave the game. He left for a long time and I decided to move on. The game I lost interest, sold everything I had and left the game...

The Return

Later I was at my computer then I remembered SPIRAL KNIGHTS! I wanted to get back into the game, so I did. While I was trying to catch-up since I deleted my character I needed to restart. I restarted with the same name "Ssosme" because it was like a trade mark to me :P. While I was around the range of Knight-Elite I noticed some knights in the haven trying to create a guild. I wanted to help them make it - which I did which soon to turn out to be "The Cursed Wanderers" - this was a beginning to a new journey...

Guild stuff

We did a lot of progress for the guild and started very small. Too much to talk about lol! I will make this brief as you are probably losing interest. As we had lots of fun in the guild! Drama strikes. Everything was going bad- and the Leadership team was getting corrupted. I left the guild because I thought it wasn't worth it. I roamed for new guilds, I decided to join a guild by the name of "The Jempire"---

The Jempire

The Jempire was a big step in my SK experience. When I was accepted into the guild-I was bid of a noob. But they really trained my PVP skills. and did change my PVP skills to a major scale. I eventually earned the rank of Veteran in the guild and stayed in the guild for quite some time. But the months past and the guild was reaching its end. The guild was moving on to different games. The guild eventually just died and now remains as a monument of their glory!

Returning to The Cursed Wanderers!

After that, I decided to come back to the old guild I helped found - "The Cursed Wanderers" - The Guild Master said he changed his attitude and learned from his mistakes. I took his trust and joined him again. He thankfully made me officer and I served under the guild once again! The guild is now very successful with over 250 players! I serve as manager of the websites and pages for the Guild. I also help a lot with the guild in game of course. And now -- I venture on. I venture on to new things, to new worlds, new places! This guild, this guild is my home.

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