Color Style

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Revision as of 21:14, 8 January 2015 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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Different Color Styles are used on every item in Spiral Knights. Some items have their own unique coloring, or combine different color styles. Others are part of a series or group of items which share the same color theme. Many events or promotions feature "recolored" costumes and accessories with a very obvious color theme, such as the Hallow-Themed items. Other promotions bring only a few items with unique styles into the game at a time. Cradle is always changing, with new discoveries being made every moment. Color Styles are part of these discoveries!

Color Styles tend to follow a Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary patterning - so a "style" is really a set of three colors. These patterns follow an in-game programming behavior generally known as "RGB" (which helps determine the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary color). Sometimes the Secondary color of one style is very slightly modified from the Primary or Tertiary color of another style - compare Frosty with Cool, or Heavy with Lovely, and so on. The color codes might not be exactly the same, but the similarity is visually obvious. This allows a player to combine items from different color styles and still appear to be wearing a consistent color theme.

What's a "color style", and what's a "color theme"? Well, for this wiki, some concrete definitions of these two terms are used. A "style" is direct, and a "theme" is generalized. An item might be "themed" in a certain style for the most part, but not follow it exclusively, with some parts of the item not following a single given color style at all. See Tabard as an example - the more solid parts appear to be somewhat "Heavy", but the cloth is very distinctly not "Heavy" for most of these. A "style", on the other hand, has the Primary/Secondary/Tertiarty components followed down to every pixel on the item (with variations on which particular Primary/Secondary/Tertiary color(s) show up, of course - see Flowers compared to Bolted Vees). Usually, if an item has a color style in its name, then it is styled - most accessories behave this way. Some costumes are named after a color style (mostly the "recolor"), but many costumes have too many parts that don't follow the style, so they are themed instead. Hence, we can use the Themes Category Page with more accuracy via generalization.


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The "Naming" of color styles as a whole - not just the style itself, that is given in-game - can be tricky. All available color styles are loosely organized using these community-made, "slang" terms:

  • Different color styles are found on all accessories in the game. Some of these accessories might not appear in "Recolor" promotions, and/or have been available via Lockboxes for a long time. An example: the Vitakit accessory. These colors are "standard" Color Styles.
  • Some color styles tend to have associated Special Effects, such as glowing or particle shedding. These are "special" color styles - IF they were first seen out of a lockbox. Don't confuse these with other color themes, like Storm, which also have distinct special effects, like a sheen. Those are either event or promotional. These are called "Unique" instead, but "unique" is used very generally and loosely, especially when other "forms" of the same item, such as the Scarf, are present. But hey, "unique" doesn't mean "only one" in Spiral Knights, does it? (See Unique Variants, which maintains the idea of a "unique craft" with cloned combat results).
    • To avoid confusion, various temporarily available (event-recolor, promotional-recolor, and so on) yet distinctly part of a "newer" recolor group color styles are called "Other" Color Styles on this wiki. "Events" tend to introduce different gameplay to Spiral Knights via prestige missions, and tend to have play-to-earn rewards. "Promotions" tend to introduce items to the game via purchases using real-world currency. But recolors frequently come from both of these - and, well, technically all forms of an item are "recolored" if the form is exactly the same - so "other" is used.
  • Some Color Themes do not get used on a group of items or in a promotion, but are very (or already) present in the game, such as Cobalt-Themed. These are "Misc." Color Styles.

Some exceptions to the naming/pattern behavior: not all "event" color themes behave the same way - for example, the term "ancient" was applied to many recolored accessories for items in the Ancient Prize Box, but the term "serene" applied to only a few costume items which followed the ancient color theme with that release. To make terminology even more confounding, the Ancient Plate Mail and other "Ancient" combat gear does not follow the "new" Ancient color style. Another example is polar accessories vs. polar costumes - the name is shared, but the patterning of RGB is different.

All terms here are based on the frequency of use in the community. There are many other slang terms out there, such as "unique (special)," "super special," "Rares," and so on. For the sake of communication across time and individuals, we've attempted to loosely organize things here on the wiki.

Standard Color Styles

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Special Color Styles

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Other Color Styles

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Unusual/Unique Color Styles

Rose Regalia

Chapeaus and Tabards follow these schemes: Template:Accessorystyle/start Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle |}


Bombhead Masks actually mostly follow standard style coloring, they are just named differently.

Battle Chef

Battle Chef Hats and Battle Chef Coats follow these schemes: Template:Accessorystyle/start Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle |}

Game Master

The Game Masters have special outfits. Their in-game text is also purple! Template:Accessorystyle/start Template:Accessorystyle |}


Items with these color styles typically have some sort of special effect along with the colors, such as a sheen. Template:Accessorystyle/start Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle Template:Accessorystyle |}

Misc. Color Styles

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