Birdsong Trading Company

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BT Co. mail icon.

The Birdsong Trading Company is a mostly unseen entity in the game associated with giveaways.

The BT Co. seems to be composed of Strangers and perhaps Snipes, though their mail symbol is that of the Spiral Order.

They function as a source of supplies and prizes for knights on Cradle, occasionally giving items away for free.

Players eligible for giveaways will receive items in the mail.

Prizes are mostly random - they are always of a type posted in the prize list in the announcement.
A player is usually eligible for giveaway by simply being logged in during the giveaway, rank does not seem to matter.
Several online players, usually 50, are randomly chosen for each giveaway.
Usually there are several hourly giveaways during a "Giveaway" occurrence.
Most prizes seem to be readily available in a Supply Depot Sale during the giveaway as well. These items might not be consistent with the giveaway - but there is definitely some crossover between the sale items and the giveaway prizes.
If fireworks are a possible prize for a giveaway, winners seem to always get a total of five fireworks.

The Birdsong Emporium is similar to the BT Co., supplying certain furniture items to Guild Halls for a price. This Birdsong supplier is always available for a guild hall, as are their items depending on the expansions installed.


Below is a calendar providing dates of giveaways and notes about prizes. Template:CalendarList/Start







Click images to see larger versions of them.

See Also

Personal tools