Bosco Dialogue/Alchemy for Beginners

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Hello there, PLAYERNAME! My name is Bosco and I'm here to give you a rundown on the basics of alchemy.

It's pretty simple stuff really, thanks to these Alchemy Stations. They do all the heavy lifting for ya!
  • I'm all ears, Bosco.
Ok, here is the gist of it all- collect materials and recipes and turn them into weapons and gear. Easy right?
  • Continue
When you acquire a recipe and use it, it consumes the recipe, but logs it in your 'known' recipes forever! Once it's known, you can create as many items of that recipe as you wish, so long as you have the right materials.
  • Continue
When you interact with an Alchemy Station you will open the alchemy interface where you can see your known recipe...
  • Continue
...and the required materials, orbs of alchemy, and crowns needed to transmute the item.
  • Continue
Many recipes require an equip-able, leveled item. These are called 'special items' in a recipe and you are free to select the special item you wish, provided it's the correct item.

This is useful if the recipe calls for an item that you have two copies of, but one is superior.
  • Continue
Once you're ready to transmute the item, click 'Transmute' and hold your breath!
  • Hold my breath?
Yes indeed! That's because every time you transmute an item through alchemy, there is a chance you can get one of several Unique Variants that makes your item much more powerful!
  • Sounds great!
That covers the basics for alchemy. I can go over it all once more if you like, or mark you as having cleared this mission and send you on your way.
  • Let's go over it all one more time. (go back to start)
    I think I've got it, thanks!
You'll be alchemizing amazing items in no time! In fact, here are a couple of recipes to get you started.
  • Complete mission (ends dialogue)
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