User talk:Clotho

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Revision as of 16:18, 2 October 2015 by HikaruFer (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to my talk page.

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Hey! About Official Image

I was Equinox but he seems AFK, Novaster suggest me to ask here. I want to know about the official image's meaning. I want to upload this to the spanish wiki as "SpiralKnights_News_106-big.png". It is allowed?.

  • Yes, this is allowed. You may upload any image found in game, our official sites, including the wiki to the ES wiki. Please do remember to use tags! --Clotho 15:54, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

Also, to make the same question here, should i re-upload the image as "SpiralKnights_News_106-big.png" here in the english wiki too?. I know you are busy so take ur time, i still have a lot to do in the spanish wiki and this can wait xD. Bye~ --Hikaru 23:12, 27 August 2015 (UTC)

  • Not necessary if the image already exists. --Clotho 15:54, 2 October 2015 (UTC)
Thx will do now so i wont forget it :) --Hikaru 16:18, 2 October 2015 (UTC)


We have recently been improving the Artifact page. As usual I made a mountain out of a molehill, but users really seem to like the new format because it caters to everyone (regarding wanting/not wanting "spoilers"), and we can stick artifact content anywhere it's needed around the wiki with ease now. So I feel it was well worth my time. I'm "fixing" the semi-disambiguation issue between Artifacts and The Artifact. It's not a true disambiguation issue for editors, just a terminology similarity for general users. The Deluxe Starter Pack should link to the official arsenal term, as the Hatch Handle is an arsenal item, no matter the issues us editors fiddle with regarding how content is organized for user convenience. Right? TL;DR: please edit the link in the Deluxe Starter Pack to link to the true arsenal term. --Novaster 19:11, 11 September 2015 (UTC)

  • Done. --Clotho 15:54, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

Additionally, we are looking to improve File:The Artifact.png by making it an animation of this gorgeous object in its full glory. I'm 99% sure this image is not a true screenshot image, but it's been on the wiki since January, untouched by admins, and it really is a nice thing to see. I realize this is infringing on the "no spiral spy images" policy but since it's just an exploration entity, not something the player might "spend money on because it looks a certain way on the wiki and then be disappointed by how it really is in-game," and we know for sure it exists in-game and looks like this. I can't imagine this would be worse than all the outdated images we're working on updating. Unless it has something to do with the tools editors are allowed to use to manage official game images. I don't know, I'm an innocent soul and like to think the Bic people don't own what I draw with their pens, especially under CC. If not, I will just make an APNG of the artifact sitting pretty on the ground, but it won't be as nice.

  • Please use images taken from the game, not from external sites. Thanks! --Clotho 15:54, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

Actually, if there is any legislation about Spiral Spy images outlining exactly why we can't use them, I'd like to have it added to the Style Guide so I can consistently answer the extremely common question "whyfor no spiralspy" editors and users ask me. As it is now, it's just "no spiral spy images." That's like saying "You can't have a cookie because it will make you fat" minus the "because it will make you fat" part. The best staff-related stance (besides my prodding support in the past) I can find is this, which is why I keep prodding :P --Novaster 00:34, 12 September 2015 (UTC)

  • That post is as official as it gets, we can continue to refer to it when this comes. The reason is easy: we want our wiki using images from the game, not from third party sites. --Clotho 15:54, 2 October 2015 (UTC)


A small request - did some template cleaning and organization. Can't edit the code of Template:GuildInfo. Please add Category:Infobox templates to its <noinclude> section. --Novaster 21:06, 12 September 2015 (UTC)

  • Added! --Clotho 15:45, 2 October 2015 (UTC)
Sorry for bump in to this but i think there is (somehow) an error in the Template:GuildInfo, for some reason it add the link but not as category, maybe if add it like [[Category:blahblah]] and not like [[:Category:blahblah]] would work? --Hikaru 16:06, 2 October 2015 (UTC)
Probably a good idea to try the template in a sandbox. Once finalized, please let me know and I'll be happy to add the final version. Thank you! --Clotho 16:15, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

Naming of "area"

There is a distinct in-game naming convention for places players can explore, such as "Wolver Den:Statusvariant" and "Lichenous Lair:statusvariant" and so on. We are trying to settle on a name for these things, and so far have Category:Areas. I'd like to use the word "world," as it's more specific than "area" and opens up use of the word "area" for general use (as it should be), but the category was deleted in the past, and it seems to be both a point of confusion for users and a sensitive wording issue with how staff wants their game to be understood based on the turmoil of deletions and edits. Is there a term staff would prefer us to use, now that the game is a lot more settled? Certain areas are "worlds" while others are not, according to this staff edit. English doesn't really have a word for "a consistent geographical phenomenon which may or may not encompass an entire area or similar-themed areas at some point, and we only have access to small parts of the geographical phenomenon, and only sometimes." It's similar to very fast continental drift that used to have country/state borders but may or may not in the future. Heck, maybe "geographical phenomenon" would be best. --Novaster 05:43, 15 September 2015 (UTC)

  • No official stance on this. A consensus should be reached in the forums. --Clotho 15:43, 2 October 2015 (UTC)
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