Talk:Royal Jelly Palace

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Revision as of 21:19, 14 December 2015 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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Bear in mind that the numbers given are rough figues and may need revising--TheReaver 15:10, 18 March 2012 (UTC)


There have been some fairly thorough run-throughs supplied (currently hidden under a note tag while cleaning up); just wondering if this is a feature that people feel should be across all Geography/Boss-level pages, or whether we can relegate it someplace else (or simply "showhide" it).

There is also a spawn listing here:

Having a bit of a guide for missions is nice, but often clunky in execution on a Geography page. Quite frankly I don't know what to do (although I have plenty of Views On The Matter). --Scribo 11:10, 26 August 2012 (UTC)

Years later reply: the nature of this information is interesting, but not of high importance for a main "area" page. It can be included in the geography subpages eventually (such spawn behavior is appreciated for the Dreams and Nightmares final fight), but I do not think such data needs editor focus, especially since it's so variable for most levels. For more details about the area page project, see node 111949. --Novaster 21:19, 14 December 2015 (UTC)
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