Iron Warriors (Guild)

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Iron Warriors

General Information

Iron Warriors is a prestigious guild that was founded on 26th of November, 2012. It was founded by both Forestark and Mrfreak. This guild offers a friendly atmosphere in which everyone can have fun, share brilliant ideas and play with each other. In short, it is a big guild with a small guild feel.

Guild members, please click here to view the rules section.

If you would like to support us and donate real money, you can do so here .

Iron Warriors
GuildLogo-Iron Warriors.png

We shall rule with an iron fist!

Guild Founder: Forestark & Mrfreak
Approx. Population: 100
Guild Master(s):
  • Forestark (now Forest-Arc)
  • Splatninja
  • Skylinerlew
Guild Officer(s):
  • Cowcows
  • Pwnish-Ar
  • Hellsquad
  • Wowy-Me
  • Gravyknight


Here is a list of our current Guild Masters and Officers:

  • Forest-Arc (GM) (old name "Forest-Ark") ,
  • Splatninja (GM)
  • Skylinerlew (GM)
  • Pwnish-Ar (Officer)
  • Cowcows (Officer)
  • Wowy-Me (Officer)
  • Gravyknight (Officer)


  • If you would like to apply for membership, please contact Forest-Arc, Splatninja, or Skylinerlew. Anyone is welcome.*

Donations and Promotions

  • Recruits: You don't have to donate, but if you want to donate, 1k crowns per week before the upkeep would be great! :)
  • ALL MEMBER RANKED PLAYERS must contribute a MINIMUM of 1k crs per week before the upkeep is due. Vanguards who are Member Ranked must contribute 2k crs per week.
  • Veterans must donate minimum 3k crs a week
  • Officers must donate minimum 5k crs a week
  • GMs must donate a minimum of 7k crs a week.

For those who are Member or higher, you are obliged to contribute crowns to the guild treasury! Recruits who chooses to donate are more likely to be promoted to Member rank. Donations of furniture are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! If you're an ambitious person, furniture donation is your best answer to promotion!

Guide lines to promotions:

  • Recruit - You get there simply because you joined us. Welcome! :)
  • Member - Not very hard to obtain. Either you have contributed to the guild (not necessarily just in crowns), or you have been active in this guild for quite a while after you joined us.
  • Veteran - Awarded for members in the guild who has stayed with us for a long period of time, is fairly active, and has contributed greatly to this guild
  • Officer - Trusted position. If you can gain our trust, then there could be a chance you will be nominated! Nominated officers will then be voted for by the GMs.
  • Guild Master - Highest position possible, but also the hardest to obtain. We don't simply give out ranks to those who want it, but only to those who deserves it. A guild master will have to show characteristics of leadership, but also care and friendliness towards those in the guild. They must also be constantly up to date with the things happening in the guild, and contributes to the guild greatly.

Demotions / Removal from guild - demotions or removals in this guild can occur due to the following reasons:

  • You have been inactive for quite a while (2 weeks or longer, time extended for Veteran+ to 1 month)
  • You have been reported by another guild member, and was proven guilty.
  • You have more than one account in the guild
  • Not fulfilling the required amount of donations per week (unless you have been inactive for that week)
  • Disobeying any other rules under the rules section (if you are Vet+ or Officer+, please also read the rules dedicated for your rank!)

Veteran Rank Promotion

For players who have been at member rank of the guild for at least 1 week, was active for the last 1 week, and also THE top crowns donator during that week, you will be allegeable to be promoted to the Veteran rank. As the guild improves and expands, Veteran ranked players will eventually have a luxurious leisure place in which they can have fun, and also special rooms in which only Veteran+ ranked or over players are permitted to enter.

Money Donations

If you would like to help the guild out even further, you can click this button below to donate real money ($6). Please help us in supporting the development of our guild! You will also be entitled to an immediate promotion to Officer rank upon donation. Donate here!

Your donation counts. - Forest-Ark.

Events and Achievements

  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all guildies! Have fun everyone, and don't forget to cheer to Vanaduke as well for providing us another year of CROWNS!!!

Major Projects / Achievements:

  • Raise 200k crowns project, December 2013: ACHIEVED!
  • Furniture bought: Gold Wandering Gobblesnipe!
  • Special thanks to Skelly-Santa, who was kind enough to gift me a white flying snipe for FREE (27/12/2014) !
  • Special thanks to all of those who donated or helped donate furnitures to the treasury!!! It really made the guild look better than before!!!


Note: The calendar might be changed.

Applying for Membership

If you would like to apply for membership, you can either PM Forest-Arc, Splatninja or Skylinerlew (if we're online) or Mail them should we be offline. We will send you an invitation as long as there are free spots! If you get turned down, don't worry, you will still be on the waiting list so when we clean up by kicking inactive players, you will be signed up to the guild according to the waiting list Currently recruiting all players that are Knight rank or above!


These are the general rules for the guild (very basic). Please don't break them, we don't like kicking people! Please take your time to read the following rules:

  • No begging for anything. No swearing or being racist and anything that ruins the fun of others. If we catch you or got complains, you'll receive a warning and the next time you do it, you will be kicked!
  • The storage is used for users who really needs the materials. Please take only what you need so others can use it too!. If we see that you're leeching too many materials and hogging the storage systems, you will be kicked without warning!!!
  • Don't put materials in the treasury unless needed, as people can't reuse them! If you want to donate materials, please donate them into the storage.
  • Respect everyone in the guild, especially those of a higher rank than you.
  • If you would like to stay in the guild, you must be active. If you're inactive for more than two weeks, or one month for Veteran+, then you will be removed for inactivity. Special reasons such as holiday travel or school will be reconsidered, so don't hesitate to tell us your difficulties!
  • Those found with alternative accounts will be kicked without notice along with the alternative account in the guild.

Special Rules:

  • [Veteran+ Only] Please do NOT change the MOTD in the guild hall. If you have new suggestions you must have the GMs' approval before changing.
  • [Veteran+ Only] Please do NOT change the layout of the guild in design mode without approval of GMs. Officers, no saving design mode until approved by the GMs.
  • [Veteran+ Only] Veteran+ may be applicable to buy rooms, HOWEVER, PLEASE READ!! If you're inactive for more than a MONTH, or you have been KICKED out because you broke any of the other rules here, you will LOSE your room, with absolutely NO REFUNDS!!!
  • The mist well - RULE NO LONGER APPLIES due to the fact that mist wells are now totally useless...
  • [Officers Only] no saving design mode until approved by the GMs.
  • [Officers Only] If you want to use the treasury to buy furnitures or buy expansion/rooms etc., or to promote other people, please have approval of the GMs first!


Q: What happens if we break a rule?

A: If you do, the first time, we'll give you a warning (unless otherwise stated). The second time, you will be kicked!

Fun Events


  • Forestark opened a Moorcroft prize box today! Here is a live video of the box opening ceremony! :)

(Prize: Ancient Bookshelf and 3 confetti  :) )

Moorcroft Prize Box 2013 Opening, Done by Forestark.


  • Forestark opened a Decoration Prize Box today!

(Prize: Red tree, 3x green presents, red present, white present, red candle, green candle, and the lucky 25% drop: Winterfest Table! )

Decoration Prize Box 2014 Winterfest Opening, Done by Forestark.

Interesting Guild Trivias

  • When the guild was just founded, me (Forestark) and Mrfreak were only Knight Elites. However, we never gave up. Me and Mrfreak grinded Jelly King feverishly, often up to 5-6 times a day! Those were also the times where mist energy still exists, so here, I'd like to acknowledge and thank those nameless kind souls who was kind enough to give us free tabs during those hard times.
  • Hellsquad was the first member (and definitely still the best) to join the guild with a proper written guild invitation message (in fact, it made me wonder that this might be the reason he joined this guild, and not the 5 other invitations he got that day).
  • Mrfreak and I met when we were just a Knight in the guild now known as Knights of Equestria.
  • The first non-birdsong furniture ever bought in the guild was the Champion Stand (a cheap 10k crs!)
  • The first tree ever bought in the guild was the Green Winterfest tree, which costed a stunning 320k (it's overpriced but it sure looked awesome back then!). Special thanks to Hellsquad who tanked all the cost without asking for a single crown for payback.
  • After Mrfreak left, he left a parting gift, and that was a 90k donation. Only reason why it made it here's because it technically saved the guild from a scary default! Back in the days, guild weekly upkeeps are quite expensive. After I convinced Hellsquad to get both third floor wings for the Almero Alchemize Machine, our upkeep flew from 25k crs per week to a scary 79k per week! Luckily, after that 1 week, Spiral Knights have decided to lower all weekly upkeeps for guilds (but at a cost, increased the amount of crs needed to buy new furniture). The 90k from Mrfreak helped us to get over that one week, and I'm grateful even till today for the last parting gift from Mrfreak.
  • Skylinerlew was the first member that made me bend my rules on the "only two GMs allowed!". He is hardworking, friendly, and most importantly, trustworthy, so much that he convinced me to make him the third GM of the guild.
  • Splatninja have been, apart from me, the oldest member of the guild that is still here today.
  • SK guild <Unity> have been my inspiration and motivation to open this guild. When I was a Squire, I walked around in Haven poking around at every corner. In the Garrison area, I encountered the guild hall. I was given a list of guilds, and for whatever reason (or maybe none at all), I chose Unity. I walked in, and I was utterly amazed at the beauty of the main hall. The design that is still my favorite today is the antique bench with a Winterfest tree behind it, blue beacons around the benches and a blue background that resembles the frosty themes of the clockworks. Here I'd like to give my special thanks to Unity, although I was never part of it, for the inspiration and motivation you have given me on starting this guild.
  • Our currently Most Expensive furniture, the white flying snipe (costs almost 1 mil crs), was gifted by Skelly-Santa (<-- THANKS SO MUCH!) from guild <Skelly Army> in 27/12/2014.
  • <Knights of Equestria> (was named something valkyrie before) was the guild in which Mrfreak and I met. There, we became friends and in the end, decided to start this guild.

Page Last Updated

May 15th, 2017

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