Crescent Phoenix (Guild)

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Crescent Phoenix
Crescent Phoenix Logo.png


Guild Founder: Zenithian-Alpha
Approx. Population: #
Guild Masters:

  • Duin-Al

Guild Officers:




About Us

Joining Us


Go to the forums and register at our enjin, go to the promotions forums, and make a reply! You'll have a faster response, and probably a higher chance of being accepted!
Or answer each of these questions and mail them to Zenithian-Alpha

Guild Prize Raffle


Officer Listing

The list of our officers. May be out of date.

  • Dispicle-Of-Cronos

It seems that I'm the reckless one. I just run in there and hack and slash. Usually. Sometimes I just stand back and shoot everything to death. Well, either way, i'm ahppy to help ay knight in any mission, as long as I am free. If i am in th emiddle of a mission or boss run, it is highly reconmended that you DO NOT invite me. Trust me, you don't want to get on my bad side.


  • Suitora

Is actually a cat in disguise. You see, the cat race has always been far more intelligent than the human race. We've learned to use our cuteness to demand pampering from our human servants. Our plans to take over the world are currently coming to fruit- Ooh, look! A ball of string! Seems to have some weird obsession with ice things and blue equipment.


Sandbox Archive Thing

Prototypes, text banks, all sorts of shenanigans

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