
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 17:20, 5 March 2019 by Matusm (Talk | contribs)

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[edit] [purge] Template documentation


To display date information and a link to an official external post. External posts are usually Admin forum posts.

For internal sources, use [[internal linking]] or {{Release}} as appropriate instead of DoRSource.


Edit this template to add or fix data regarding release information on published pages.

This template relies on an established pattern of release dates. There are a few overlap dates that have /2 as part of the date entry. If a forum post seems to lead to the wrong place, investigate the template code to see if /2 needs to be used instead of the raw date.

This template is essentially a linking template. It is designed to be used within other templates which have release date information. See templates in which DoRSource is used for usage details. Its purpose is to rapidly update multiple pages at once with Date of Release information.

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