Recon Knights (Guild)

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Recon Knights
GuildLogo-Recon Knights.png

Strong alone, stronger together.

Guild Founder: Cherryberry
Approx. Population: 30

Guild Officer(s):
  • Brul
  • Sparkplug
  • Tarkai
  • Rezkid
  • Starrslayermaximus
  • Peakyr
  • Koekjje
  • Manumi

Recon Knights

Welcome to the Wiki page of Recon Knights. We're a fairly small and casual Guild, here more as a group of friends to chat with than a serious gameplay Guild. We do frequent casual PvE runs (as opposed to serious Vanaduke grinding, Shadow Lairs or Lockdown), and we don't ask our membership to donate anything - though donations are appreciated! If you're looking for somewhere to relax and have a friendly chat, then we may be the place for you.

How to Apply

Recon Knights prides itself on being an inclusive Guild, accepting members regardless of rank or experience. Many of our members joined before they had reached Tier 3 or even Tier 2 clearance. We are more than happy to advise and train you on your journey through the game, should you show willingness to learn. To join, simply wander into our Guild Hall and ask! If no-one is there, send a friend request to any of our Officers or Guild Master, saying you wish to join and we’ll try to arrange a time to start the application process.

Application Process

Applying to join the Guild comes in two stages, an interview and a run. The interview is nothing formal: It’s just a friendly chat to get to know you a bit better, and to see if we like you and if we think you will be suitable for us. Afterwards we’ll go for a run with you on any level of your choice, though we do ask that it isn’t anything that will take a great deal of time. Again, this is to get to know you. We do expect some competence of our recruits, though we will expect less of a newer player than one who has reached Vanguard. Afterwards, you will be invited back to the Guild Hall. If we think you would fit, then we’ll invite you!

What we look for in a Potential Recruit

  • A reasonable standard of English
  • Maturity
  • Friendliness
  • Sociability
  • Good humour
  • A level of competence appropriate to rank
  • A self-awareness of ability, including any strengths or weaknesses.
  • Where appropriate, a willingness to learn.

Promotion Criteria

Recruit: Requires the approval of the Guild Master or Officer.

Member: Must be active, and be fairly well known to the other Guild members and requires the approval of at least one member ranked Veteran or higher and another ranked Officer or higher. (NOTE: If you believe you are eligible to be promoted to member, but have not been considered yet, please contact one of the Officers and we will discuss the matter amongst ourselves.)

Veteran: Requirements are same as for member but furthermore, you must have reached the rank of Vanguard and have the approval of at least two Officers or the Guild Master and one Officer. You should also be known for assisting other Guild members, particularly those of a lower player rank.

Officer: As this position holds great power and responsibility, it shall not be given out lightly. Officers must be widely known throughout the Guild and conduct themselves with impeccable professionalism.

Guild Master: Cherryberry is the sole Guild Master. This rank is not open.

Retired Officer: A highly regarded Member of Recon Knights who rose to the rank of Officer and who has given good service to the Guild but has either since left or for various reasons decided to step down from that office to Veteran status.

Honorary Member: These are good friends of the Guild who, for various reasons, usually having Guilds of their own and are not members of this Guild. They are highly respected and are treated as one of our own.

Current Members

Guild Rules

Please note that these rules should not be considered exhaustive: Officers of the Guild may exercise their discretion in any event, and may punish bad behaviour even if it is not explicitly against the rules of the Guild.

Also you may be demoted and/or kicked from the Guild for breaching the rules or if you are inactive for more than 3 months. However, if you let the Guild Master or an Officer know that you are going to be inactive for a period of time then this may be waived.

1) You MUST be over 13 years of age: Under-13s will be barred from the Guild without exception. This is in line with Spiral Knights' Terms of Service (

2) Please be respectful and polite. Try to, wherever possible, greet and bid farewell to your fellow members.

3) Bad language is not tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, swearing and blasphemy. Please note that we have a rather conservative idea as to what does and what does not constitute swearing.

4) Do not take any action which would bring the Guild into disrepute.

5) Do not beg. We are happy to provide advice or assistance on runs when we can. However, do not ask for money, equipment, energy or revives.

6) Do not abuse the gobblesnipes. It has been done many a time before, and is not funny.

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