Undying Knights

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Remember our pay-it-forward policy! Undying Knights is a guild to be known for its "undying" generosity and its invincible friendship! When you help others, they won't forget your deeds--and you can count on us for assistance whenever needed.

Guild Founder: Flamaxe Snapdragoon Venoma
Approx. Population: 90+
Guild Master(s):
  • Flamaxe
  • Snapdragoon
  • Venoma
Guild Officer(s):
  • Darkhawkeye
  • Izizion

At a Glance

The Undying Knights was founded by its current guildmasters, Flamaxe, Snapragoon and Venoma. Theirs is a guild to be known for its "undying" generosity and its invincible friendship. The guild's policy is as follows: When you help others, they won't forget your deeds--and members can rely on each other for assistance whenever needed. As an assistance guild, the Undying Knights typically allows any players to join and has very lax rules and regulations. Because of this, there is a large percentage of the guild consisiting of new players who have only recently begun playing Spiral Knights. While all members are treated as having equal power in the guild, the guildmasters work together to elect specially trusted members to the position of "Guardian" officer. These officers hold their rank for the purpose of removing players whom curse excessively in guildchat and verbally attack or extort other members.

The Undying Knights has a reputation for having especially kind and generous members who assist others in many ways. Whether its lending or giving crowns and crystal energy or going down into the clockworks to help other players, the Undying Knights will always pay their deeds forward for the good of the guild.

Aside from simply helping players on a performance basis, the guild also specializes in information gathering and distribution. Ask the guild a question about Spiral Knights and you will surely get a reliable answer. The guild also attempts to spearhead new innovations toward helping its members and is planning to implement a CE donation bank and a Role Playing system which is currently in the works. With the help and trust of members, the Undying Knights will undoubtedly become a recognizeable name in the game's future.

How to Join

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