
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 19:57, 14 August 2011 by Jdavis (Talk | contribs)

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I can block fire damage from the fire status. Possibly because I have an Emberblock shield? -Brightside October 20th 2010 9:09 am GMT

Is the duration of fire damage the same for players and monsters? That is, does it wear off in the same amount of time? And what is that amount of time? Does the fire duration change with shielding, or is the duration always the same but the damage varies? -edcdave May 13th 2011 3:44 pm CDT

Fire ticks might show as elemental damage, but they don't follow elemental damage rules. For example, Zombies take a lot of damage from fire and Kats take low damage from fire. This has come up repeatedly on the forums and I think that it is confusing new knights. -culture July 11th

How much damage does fire do? Is it different for different enemies? Rahler 00:43, 12 July 2011 (UTC)

Damage Type of Damage from Fire Status

When you take damage from Fire, the pips are red, suggesting Normal damage, not Elemental damage, which would be green. I just did a test in the ATH, using armor that was very weak against Normal, and armor that was very strong against Normal. Neither armor had any Elemental or Fire protection. I lasted about twice as long using the strong-against-Normal armor. I take this as corroborating evidence that damage from Fire is Normal, and that armor/helmet does protect against it. So I'm going to change the page. Jdavis 19:57, 14 August 2011 (UTC)

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