The Cyber Initiative (Guild)

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The Cyber Initiative
GuildLogo-The Cyber Initiative.jpg

Whatever can be done, Cyber Initiates can do better.

Guild Founder: No-One-Ukno
Approx. Population: 40
Guild Master(s):
  • No-One-Ukno
  • Prem
  • Marazo
  • Voodoocheese

Website: We dont have one. Yet...

Very Special thanks to...

  • Chosenhero, for helping me sooooo much with this page and for being very patient with my impatience.
  • All the original members for believing in us and recruiting people and not leaving.


The Cyber Initiative was a secret program on the Skylark (the spiral knights spaceship). It's purpose was to make the spiral knights stronger, faster, and more efficient. To do this they found volunteer knights and preformed surgery that, replaced their normal bones with metal bones, and their skin with a titanium mesh. This proved to be very effective until, the Skylark crashed. Most of the Cyber Initiates were destroyed in their pods. Only one survived. His name was: Unit #5.2 No-One-Ukno. The reason he was to survive and the others weren't was because in his memory banks there was the knowledge to make cyber initiates. So he began recruiting and making other knights into Cyber Initiates. Then he met the Cyber Initiative's worst enemy: the Royal Jelly. The Royal Jelly has the ability to rot cyber parts and infect all cyber programming with a virus he must be stopped. But, to this day no group of only Cyber Initiates has defeated him.


The Cyber Initiative was started after No-One-Ukno (Yes that's his real name), was thinking under a tree in the treasure vault in the clockworks. He noticed his energy count and thought about his leadership skills and he knew that under his command they could rise through ranks and be one of the best.


The Cyber Initiative was founded around the idea that anything could be done, but could also be done better. We are a fair and just group anyone who leeches off the guild or abuses their rank is immediately removed. We have blast network teams, boss runs, and every time we get 30 new members we host a guild auction and/or prize giveaway!

Allies and Enemies

Allies:1 Enemies:0

  • Demonite s an ally.

How to join

Just message one of the guild masters. There are no special requirements so anyone can join anytime and we never stop recruiting!


  • We are a fair and just guild any discrimination against race, sex, sexual preference, creed, or nationality will not be tolerated. Any discrimination that is heard of should be reported to No-One-Ukno. If you were to do one of these discriminations the punishment would be immediate removal from guild or probation.
  • No anger or hatred toward other guild members.
  • Do not challenge another guild unless allowed by a Guild Master.
  • No raging. (except when lag happens or traps kill you, everyone rages about that XO).
  • Do not randomly promote people. We don't want recruits becoming guild masters as soon as they join.
  • Guild master decisions are final (i.e. if a guild master promotes you friend but not you don't argue about it). This may seem kind of mean to some, but guilds that use this rule have a more intact guild.

Upcoming Events

  • We are having our first guild auction and prize giveaway sometime soon. The Guild Masters haven't decided on a time yet.

Ranking up

  • To become a recruit you must be recruited. That's all! Note: this is a temporary rank you will only have this for a short time. The only other reason for this rank would be probation.
  • To be a member you must join and when A guild master comes online you'll be promoted!
  • To become a veteran you must pass apprenticeship (see below for info on apprenticeship).
  • To become an officer you must complete one of these two tasks: Beat a tier 2 boss or, train two succesful apprentices (Once again see below).
  • The guild master rank is very exclusive. The only way to become one is to participate in many guild activities, be online often, have an attitude that shows it, and of course be an officer. If all of these are passed the guild masters must deliberate on whether or not you deserve this.

Apprenticeship and details

Apprenticeship is something special we do in the Cyber Initiative. When a recruit is promoted to a member one of the veterans will take him on as his apprentice. Apprentices have to fight to the snarbolax with their veteran master and win together. NO EXCEPTIONS. Also for it to count a guild master has to see it, so invite the guild master on the level before (you can't invite people on boss level) the boss level. If you win the member is promoted and the veteran is halfway done with his veteran tasks. When the member is promoted their name will be added to the succesful apprentices list.

Succesful Boss Runs

  • Autumspog led No-One-Ukno, Robobermy,and Ambyss to a succesful Roarmulus Twins Run on August 25th 2011.

Legal stuff

The name Cyber Initiative is the rightful property of Warner Bros. Games and Netherrealm studios.

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