Undying Knights (Guild)

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Undying Knights
GuildLogo-Undying Knights.png

Guild Founder: Flamaxe(Retired) Snapdragoon Venoma
Approx. Population: 50+
Guild Master(s):
  • Flamaxe (Retired)
  • Snapdragoon
  • Venoma
Guild Officer(s):
  • Virtuous-Heart
  • Speedxsonic (Now part of Itsureigan)
  • Speedxshadow (Now part of Itsureigan)


Candy for Costumes! For all guild members interested in collecting the 75 candy tokens required to buy an "authentic mask," let's all work together! If any guild member happens into a Punkin King area, alert the guild and see if anyone wants to come down and share in the bounty. This is one of the quickest ways to accumulate lots of cany tokens. Punkin King's area is easily spotted in any Clockwork Tunnels level as an unusual grassy patch with ominous looking gates. Before you step on the button, call in some party members and make the score worthwhile! Don't hoard those tokens to yourself!

At a Glance

The Undying Knights was founded by its current guild masters, Flamaxe, Snapragoon and Venoma. Theirs is a guild to be known for its "undying" generosity and its invincible friendship. The guild's policy is as follows: When you help others, they won't forget your deeds--and members can rely on each other for assistance whenever needed. As an assistance guild, the Undying Knights typically allows any players to join and has very lax rules and regulations. Because of this, there is a large percentage of the guild consisting of new players who have only recently begun playing Spiral Knights. While all members are treated as having equal power in the guild, the guild masters work together to elect specially trusted members to the position of "Guardian" officer. These officers hold their rank for the purpose of removing players whom curse excessively in guildchat and verbally attack or extort other members. The current Guardian Officers are the kind Virtuous-Heart, the courageous Speedxsonic and the upstanding Speedxshadow.

The Undying Knights has a reputation for having especially kind and generous members who assist others in many ways. Whether its lending or giving crowns and crystal energy or going down into the clockworks to help other players, the Undying Knights will always pay their deeds forward for the good of the guild.

Aside from simply helping players on a performance basis, the guild also specializes in information gathering and distribution. Ask the guild a question about Spiral Knights and you will surely get a reliable answer. The guild also attempts to spearhead new innovations toward helping its members and is planning to implement a CE donation bank and a Role Playing system which is currently in the works. With the help and trust of members, the Undying Knights will undoubtedly become a recognizable name in the game's future.

Role Playing

Post ideas by editing Venoma's wiki page.

Go to the Undying Knights Role Playing Pilot Thread to post character profiles and learn to start your RP thread.

How to Join

To become an Undying Knight, one needs only ask a member! Names will be referred to a guild master or guardian officer who will then contact the interested player.

Remember that the Undying Knights is a guild designed around ideas of generosity and benevolence! If you join you'll be expected to try your best to help other members because they are dedicated to helping you too.

Guild Rules

  • Never curse in guildchat
  • Always be courteous to other guild members; manners are important in our guild

Promotion Opportunity

All recruits are automatically made members upon joining. To become a veteran, a member must show special determination to help other members in the guild and be recognized by either a Guardian Officer or a Guild Master. Please remember that while all good deeds never go unnoticed, members should not attempt to flaunt or boast their own good deeds for the purpose of gaining a promotion to the veteran position.

  • Currently there is no opening for the position of Guild Master at this point.
  • Currently there is no opening for the position of Guardian Officer at this point.

Ask Venoma when she is online if you would like to apply to be a guardian officer.

Interesting History

Bug Encounters

  • On 09/8/2011, Guild Masters Venoma and Flamaxe discovered a bugged gate while exploring the newly implemented Candlestick level from a recent update. Pictured below, the two notified a Game Master who swiftly passed them through the unexpected error and let them continue on to the end of the level.
  • The Undying Knights is a guild meant to help enable members to go on and do their own great things. Because of our values, Guild Masters firmly believe that members should have the right to make their own guilds based on or even inspired by the Undying Knights. Itsureigan is one such guild. SpeedXshadow and SpeedXsonic are currently respected as officers of Undying Knights as well as Guild Masters, or Warrior Princes, of Itsureigan.

Guild Alliances

We are currently allied with:

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