
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 00:10, 2 November 2011 by Michael99 (Talk | contribs)

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I'm michael99. I have wandered up the ranks of the clockworks to the end of tier 3.

I am in the guild Valkyrie Knights, and it is a very friendly guild that is welcoming and will probably welcome drifting players who were kicked out of their other guilds.

I like to fight Lord Vanaduke. I like to take fun screenies. And I really like to battle in player versus player(it's fun to fight people), and I REALLY like orange juice :D

I can also appear as Lummy-Wex. .



Icon-sword.png Swords

25px Acheron

Winmillion Dark Thorn Blade Fearless Rigadoon


Virulent Catalyzer Radiant Pulsar Prisma Driver Blackhawk


Spike Shower Master Blast Bomb Plasma Capacitor Graviton Bomb


Skolver Coat Skelly Suit Jelly Mail

Photo Gallery

Pics, pics and more pics.
Just plain wierd...
Me fighting my evil arch nemesis.
Me and my friends, about to fight Lord Vanaduke.
We killed each other at the same time... No one had enough energy to revive.
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