Tier Zero (Guild)

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About Tier Zero

Tier Zero
GuildLogo-Tier Zero.png
Guild Master
  • Weedle
  • Festering
  • Hanktron
  • Ramenfrog
  • Kioso
Population 50

Tier Zero is a guild that was created on September 26, 2011. It is characterized by its mellow, educated, and older players, who range from high school students to working professionals. Members are required to have tier three clearance in order to join. Tier Zero has a relatively high activity rate; around 10-25% of the guild is online at any given time.

Common guild activities:
  • Firestorm Citadel runs
  • Jelly King runs
  • Playing Lockdown
  • Profiteering on the Auction House
Common discussion topics:
  • Spiral Knights game mechanics and development
  • Gaming
  • Trolling and humor
  • Real-world issues

Ranking System

While Tier Zero promotes an egalitarian atmosphere, there still exist several ranks for celebrating the achievements of our members. They are:

A player who has been inducted within the last 24 hours.
A player with tier three clearance.
A long-time Tier Zero member possessing a full 5* loadout.
Officer & Guild Master
A veteran or officer who has been elected for leadership.

Additional Info & Applying for Membership

To apply for membership or see additional information, please visit Tier Zero's recruitment page at

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