Brothers of Eternity (Guild)

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Forever, As One

Guild Founder: Winterslodier, Skinnypete, Frostshadow, Thuris, and Necromus
Approx. Population: Everchanging

The Philosophy

The Universe is a vast, neverending space. It is the fabric that witholds our very beings. It is the earth on which we dwell on. It is the skies that lie above us. It is the Snipe that glides so blissfully in the wind. It is by understanding the Universe, that we become stronger; in strength, in heart, in mind. As knights, we must strive to acquire knowledge of everything around us. By understanding and knowing our enemies, we can know how to defeat them. By knowing the area that we are exploring, we know which way is the safest. By discerning the past, we can predict the future. Knowledge is what drives us forward in the world, and it is even greater when done with others. As a team, we become one; a single form of power, innovation, and evolution. Discovery comes not to only one knight, but one group. As one knight can accomplish many things, but when united, there is no task too great.

About our Brotherhood

The Brothers of Eternity are a guild of honor, respect, and noblenes. It is a community of of knights that respect each other and help one another grow stronger. In the Brotherhood, knights can feel a part of a united team, where they have freedom of suggestion and speech. Here, knights share experiences of battle and strategies and younger knights can learn from knights of greater experience. The Brothers of Eternity have grown considerably in population in not too long a time, though there is always room for a new knight who wishes to join amongst us. This Brotherhood is led by a council of five knights called the High Council. They pass or decline any new laws or regulations that may be put into use. Each member of the High Council is permitted one apprentice to have as their primary student, and one who helps in supervising the knights of lower rank in the guild. Each member of the High Council is a master at one of five Auras (See Section 1.3), and each Councilknight teaches their knowledge of their aura to their apprentice. Upon the promotion of Veteran, A knight must then choose one of the auras, so that he may learn the ways of the Aura he has chosen. In general, the Brothers of Eternity are a community of united bretheren that stay together for times of suffering, and times of wellness.


Auras are the energies that make up the world that we exist in. Each of the auras have their own special unique characteristics that is signature to the power. As mentioned above, each Councilknight(Knight of the High Council), is a master of one of thier Aura, and is their futy to spread the knowledge of thier aura to the ones who are willing to commit themselves to it. The five Auras of the universe are Fire, Ice, Storm, Life, and Darkness. These forces together make up the world. Below is listed more information about each aura.

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