Gods of Spiral (Guild)

From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 02:02, 6 December 2011 by Addisona (Talk | contribs)

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Gods of Spiral
GuildLogo-Gods of Spiral.png

A better icon will always be appreciated

Guild Founder: Scarkro
Approx. Population: 89
Guild Master(s):
  • Linacakes
  • Ajqtrz
  • Scarkro
Guild Officer(s):

Recently a likely overzealous Scarkro demoted a lot of people. Here are remaining officers/ex-officers and most recent play dates of exes

  • Addisona
  • Arbituser
  • Chorouu
  • Drdrj
  • Fastmerchant
  • Firetatay
  • Jocasta
  • Justinputra
  • Kijina 11/25
  • Lightknighto 11/24
  • Ludic
  • Skatenisse 11/26
  • Thatguywiththegun 11/26
  • Trogdon

We are a guild. Nothing is posted here at the moment because a lot of things are still up in the air. This page was really just created to give future content-adders something to build on, as well as create a location for discussion and posting of ideas for a likely reorganization/enhancement of the guild. It will eventually evolve into a thorough guild page, with tips, announcements and such. If you're confused about how to change the little info-box on the right go to: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Help:Creating_a_guild_page.

General Message Board

Post whatever relevant news you have here. If anyone actually posts anything here, please head it in bold by preceding and following the header with 3 equals signs. Also leave a date

Mass demotions 12/4

Recently I (Addisona), Arbituser, Scarkro and Ajqtrz got together and did a general housecleaning. Scarkro may have been a little over-excited and wound up demoting all officers who hadn't been on that same day. One even got on as Scarkro got off. Anyway, we will probably eventually remedy the situation, but being an officer is going to be a responsibility, not just a priveledge, from now on. You will not return to your officer status if you do not intend to get involved with and share some of the burden of running the guild. More people may be demoted if they choose not to be a part of running the guild. Please be understanding that losing officer status is really not much of a status shift; being a veteran is a new equivalent of being an officer.

Update: some officers were re-promoted. they and the other demoted veterans will likely be asked if they want to play an officer-esque role in the guild.

Update from AJ (Ajqrtz) Thanks, Addi for this Wiki start page. The iformation is great and much needed. I will be speaking with officers re various roles and duties and what they think should be done over the next few days. When I am done (and others can certainly do the same) we will get together and discuss the various duties and the overall structure of GOS. My vision, and I believe the vision of all involved, is to make GOS an elite and premier guild in the SK world. To do this we must have structure, discipline, and a willingness to work together and work hard. A bit of humor and graciousness doesn't hurt either.

Because we want to be successful I think the purpose of the guild is to bring together knights who believe in a disciplined and orderly approach to making each individual knight the most successful knight he or she can be. Over time I believe we can do this best by combining resources in the Clockworks and above the Clockworks. A team working togther is always far stronger than four individuals working alone.

If you have questions or concerns, if you just have ideas, and even if you have complaints, please do not hesitate to send them to me, approach me, corner me, or otherwise bug me with them. I like new ideas, fresh faces and good challenging (polite) debate. So bring it on.

And while you are at it, thank Addisona for the work on the Wiki page. I know it took some time to set up and it was done well.


Proposed Structure 12/5

This is a simple structure for the guild. |Veteran - full 3* equip |Member - 2 3* equips |Recruit - full 2* |Applicant - nice person, 2 2*


List of Guild Members
Guild Masters
  • Scarkro
  • Ajqtrz
  • Linacakes
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name

Game Mechanics, Techniques and Other Useful Information


It is always important to know what type of weapon needs to be used for the upcoming fight. The type(s) of damage your weapon does can be found by hovering over them on the inventory screen. Further info on this topic can be found at http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Damage.

Monster Type Damage Type Weak To Neutral To Strongly Resistant To
Gate Icon-Slime.png Slime Family Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack piercing icon.png Piercing
Gate Icon-Beast.png Beast Family Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental
Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Gremlin Family Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack elemental icon.png Elemental
Gate Icon-Construct.png Construct Family Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing
Gate Icon-Fiend.png Fiend Family Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow
Gate Icon-Undead.png Undead Family Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow


Going to the gate map (gear menu) shows you the monster and special condition themes of the level, as well as the style. Use this to pick the right equips for the situation. More on gates can be found at http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Gate

Level combinations
Background colors Icon colors
Personal tools