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Revision as of 12:22, 4 January 2012 by Redaltair (Talk | contribs)

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wana tell to chris that his guild is a very good guild and could he recruit me ?

i'm a a full 4 stars but my armor sill a 3 star..

killed snoarblox? : average 21 times

killed vanaduke? : average 12 times

killed JK ? : average 6 times ( d'osent love it )

shadow laires? : 2 times killed snoarblox

wanna enter that guild because its a very strong guild as i've seen

play average 11 hours..

everyday but some times get punished max time punishet is 2 week

best wishes, bleualtair

note : you could see me sometimes in french users because i now french as well as en glish...

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