Vanaduke Vanquishers (Guild)

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Revision as of 03:41, 13 February 2012 by Kirkalot (Talk | contribs)

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About Vanaduke Vanquishers

Vanaduke Vanquishers was founded by Tinytind and Supersoccerplayer on February 12,2012.


We all want to have fun.To do so just follow these simple rules

  • Don't Beg! Sometimes you might need something so its fine to ask,but when they tell you to stop stop.
  • Be Active. You don't have to be on all the time but try to be on at least once or twice a week.If you know you'll be off for a long period of time inform the guild masters!
  • Be Respectful. We all like jokes once in a while be don't go to far.If someone asks you to stop respect their request and stop.
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