Exalt (Guild)

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Teamplay or no play

Guild Founder: Mytagforhalo
Approx. Population: 90
Guild Master(s):
  • Artemislx
  • Zeeca
  • Yoshibear
  • Bisento
Guild Officer(s):
  • Sagara-Sk
  • Larpu
  • Sexyven
Website: http://www.iq-esports.com/forumdisplay.php?105-Spiral-Knights

About Exalt

We at Exalt see ourselves as a group of good people, we are friendly and nice to each other and enjoy playing Spiral knights. We are pretty active and do regular runs to all bosses including shadow lair ones. Even though most members are tier 3 they gladly play with lower tier members. Exalt has members from many countries around the world so usually there is someone online at any time of day.

How To Join

All nice people are welcome to Exalt. Any member of Exalt can ask an officer or a guild master to invite his friend to Exalt, if someone wants to join on their own, without knowing anyone in the guild they can send a mail to one of the following: Zeeca, Yoshibear, Bisento or talk to anyone from Exalt they find in haven.

Guild Rules

Exalts number 1 rule is be nice to and respectful of your fellow guildies and other Spiral knights players, feel free to use the guild chat for any topic but bare in mind that there are children in the guild. Do not do anything that can bring the Exalt name down or get the guild in trouble.

Guild Promotions

o Member are in Exalt for a minimum of 2 weeks and has proven him self to be a nice person, they need to no about the basic damage types ( which type of enemy is weak to which type of damage and which type of damage is their basic damage dealt, example: All fiends deal shadow as their basic damage and most are weak to pierce )

o Veterans are in Exalt for a minimum of 1 month, they are required to be full 5 stars, respected amongst guildies, they need to have done all bosses ( not including the shadow lair ), they need to have a reasonable amount of knowledge about weapons and enemies.

o Officers are in Exalt for a minimum of 2 months, they have done all bosses, including the shadow lair ones, they need to know all there is to know about monsters and equipment, they need to be very helpful and skillful, an officer has to be wise and mature.

Exalt Members

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