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Hey, Y'all. Ive played spiral knights for quite a while now and I am a member of a very cool guild called the [Clockwork elites] with a few of my friends. I accept all Friend-requests, by the way, and unless I am busy, I will be more than willing to help you 'delve deeper into the clockworks', so-to-say.


I tend to give away materials or crowns, If I have an abundance, for nothing in return. PLEASE DON'T ABUSE MY TRUST AND FREE ITEMS!

I don't give away energy, but I will on occasion give away some of my leftover crowns after a big purchase from the auction house, usually between 100 and 1000 in total.


You can find me on various sites and systems like XBOX-LIVE as "Master Flash 0", ROBLOX as "flashofcoolness2", DEVIANTART as "Senkougami", AQW as "Nameless Deity", and YOUtube as "Dalthetheif." Please dont hesitate to chat with me if you use those,and maybe we could team up sometime in the Clockworks, as gosh knows how much help I need just REACHING some of the in-game bosses. ^_^"


Enough said.

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