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Hey look i screwed up my picture :P

About me

Hi, I am Mr.UNleash (IGN: Mrunleash, due to me not thinking of being able to add a hyphen when a period wasn't allowed). So...yeah, thats all I got for now I guess xD

How I got into SK

I started playing Spiral Knights in I believe mid-November. I was introduced to the game by Sir-Tuddle and Jester-GTR. At first, I was reluctant to play the game, because I did not seem to appeal to me. But after much pestering I decided to try it out. At first, the game seemed alright, but as I played more I got more into the game. The new people I meet, new gear and constant updates keep me playing. I am now seen in SK almost everyday.

My long guild history

Not long after I started playing, I was invited to the guild "Fear Reborn" by Codiecy, one of the officers at the time. After a few weeks, I realized that the guild was rather inactive (as in the guild wasn't really communicating with one another and did not run together much). I didn't really know most of the guild members, which also prompted me to leave ( Although the guild is much better now,and has become a very powerful, stable and respected guild). Before I left, I met with some of the leaders of a rather newer guild called "Proto Protectors". Due to my love for helping others and aiding newcomers to SK, I decided to join them not long after I left Fear Reborn, and quickly rose up the ranks and became a guild master. Proto Portectors was a rather good guild, with lots of active members and good running partners. The only downside of the guild was the lack of strong rules and a stable core. After much pestering and suggestions from a few friends (you know who you are >.>), I decided to leave. After I left, Ndognine referred me to the guild Energy Knigths Inc (EKI). Seeing as it looked like a great guild, and that Jester was in it aswell, I decided to give it a try. It was a great guild, who welcomed new members and greeted people when they logged on. Thinking that I would stay for a while, I decided to test for my membership rank my second day with the guild ( technically only 1 day, because I joined and logged out quickly after). I got through half of the member ship test, only failing the first question xD. The other half would be completed when Jace got back the next day. During my stay though, I had realized that many of the high-ranking and senior members of EKI started to leave. Later on I had realized that they were merging with another guild. Because they left their alt accounts in EKI, I thought it would still be ok, but during a run with guildies, I slowely saw members leaving the guild. At the end of the run, I dcided to leave along with the guildies I ran with. Not long after I was confronted by an old friend from Fear Reborn, Izaya-Sama (who sadly doesn't play anymore, getting bored after aquiring shiny armor >.>) He wanted us two to create our own guild. After a ferw hours the guild Nobles was born. After bothering Izaya enough, I was made into the second guild master. The guild was amazingly active and fun during its beginning time. The guild was rapidly growing more and more powerful. That is, until after the new year. Once January hit, a huge wave of inactivity rose. Most of our members stopped loggin on ( I keep my alt account there to check on the guild periodically, and only one person other than me has logged on in Febuarary 2012). Out of boredom, I decided to leave the guild. I joined up with Jace-Jarak once more, who had announced that the EKI members who had merged were leaving to form a new guild once more. He, along with other former EKI members, created the guild Rogue Knights. I am currently still in this guild as a veteran ( and hopefully will never leave :P).

How I Play

I am usually a gunner (but I will sometimes carry along a sword or bomb as a sidearm or just for fun). As a gunner, I try to fulfill my responsibility as a support player. The way I kill monsters is categorized by how dangerous the monsters currently are to my teammates. If I see a monster attacking an ally who is vulnerable or has their shield wearing off, I attempt to braee my way towards them and quickly eliminate or stun the attacking monster. Other than that, I like shooting at big hoards :P I also always revive people, and try to shield bump my way towards a fallen teammate, because I believe that (usually) the more the better. Gear wise, I alway dress in the appropriate gunner armor set, along with a costume gunner set. I'll often be seen wearing justifier in fsc, or deadshot in a jk run, even though they are only costumes. For T1 LD, I am almost always seen with a "tri-clops" cap, and a bomber suit for T2.

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