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About Me

- I started playing Spiral Knights about an hour after it was added to Steam, so I'm not "original" but I'm still somewhat early. I happen to be from the United States. I've only logged around 400 hours (unfortunately) but I've made good use of those hours :D I am currently the Guild Master of a small guild called Assignment Nine. I'll recruit anyone who asks to join by the way. Regardless, I don't have much in my arsenal. In fact, I dont have any bombs! I used to have a certain Shivermist but there were some clicking problems and, well, now I don't have one. On an almost related note, I like food. If you do a run with me or whatnot and I stop it's usually because I'm hungry :P Also I like to start new equipment projects even if I have no money. I would rank myself in the top 1000 players, probably.

- Bosses

Snarbolax - Solo'd 50+ times

Jelly King - Solo'd too many times (at least 100)

RT - Solo'd about 15 times. Not my favoritest boss

Vanaduke - I've never wanted/tried to solo FSC. I always go with friends cause it's funner :D


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