Royalty (Guild)
From SpiralKnights

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Guild Introduction
Royalty is a multicultural guild with members from all over the world. The guild currently operates on the condition of activity and sociability. With a guild strength of over 80% capacity, Royalty thrives on good manners and common sense. Royalty members can be found on Spiral Knights at any time of the day.
A message from GM Knuts
Hi Spiral Knights,
Knuts here finally deciding that he should finally cave in to the demands of his over-demanding manipulative despots whom call themselves "officers"... and fill in all this blank space. Royalty started in July of 2011 with a mindset of creating a warm community of players that work together to progress and excel in all aspects of this game. It has been about half a year since and I believe all of us from Royalty can agree we've stayed true to this ideal, even though we still lack in several areas. We're a full fledged 'Tier 3' guild with around 90 active 'Tier 3' players that have mastered JK (Jelly King), RT (Roarmulous Twins), Snarby (Snarbolax), FSC/VANA (Firestorm Citadel/Lord Vanaduke), and 'Shadow Lair'. We believe in skill over equipment (so yes, I'm a believer of Rits [DeliciousBacon]). And most importantly we have a community of players that are willing to help each other out (whether it is Basil price recipes or materials needed for an upgrade). All in all I am proud of where Royalty stands today, and am only excited to see what else the future has for us.
I hope this reached the eyes of some future recruits! If so, you let those "officers" know to lay off my sorrry raw arse. o.o; and you probably think I'm kidding.
We are Royalty.
Guild Information
Royalty recruits 5-star geared knights whom may or may not be subjected to trials; at the discretion of the GMs and Officers. If anyone is interested, either approach any of the officers listed in the infobox above, send them an in game mail or, submit an application to the Royal Post Office.
In your mail application, copy, paste and complete the following questionnaire.
- IGN (In-Game Nickname):
- Gender (optional):
- Tier Qualification:
- Loadout Preference:
- Log-in Activity (no. of times per week):
- Brief description of personality/character:
Your application mail subject should be titled as "Royalty Membership Application [IGN]".
- Recipes are re-sold to guild-mates at cost
- 4k crowns for 3-star, 10k crowns for 4-star, 25k crowns for 5-star.
- There will be no charging of crowns for heat
- If you choose not to give, it is fine. But do not ask for crowns.
- There is NO OBLIGATION to invite/join guild mates for runs
- There is always a choice. And you can always ask.
- Always ask before joining an open guild party
- It is the polite thing to do.
- Bad manners will not be tolerated in guild
- Anything personal, take it to the private message level.
- Common sense prevails
- Think first, before you spout/spam/click.
- GMs and Officers decisions are final
- There will be no appeals. Sorry.
Ranking System
- Guild Master
- Decides the direction of the Guild
- Officer
- Officers discuss issues with Guild Masters and bring forth and implement new ideas of guild growth.
- Handpicked by Guildmasters if needed.
- Veteran
- A devoted and active player recognized.
- Veterans are handpicked by officers with approval of Guild Masters, only possible after 1 month membership.
- Member
- Approval of at least two officers required 2 weeks after being recruited.
- Recruit
- Must be 5-star geared.
- During the first TWO weeks you will be evaluated on performance and behavior
Quotable Quotes?
"We poop, we want to poop and we play to poop!" - 'Irbot' (Officer)
"PajamaPandaaaaa!" - 'Pattipawae' (GM)
Guild Challenges
Welcome to some fun! If you are feeling bored and would like to do a guild challenge, form a party, choose your members (guild mates ONLY) and kindly inform any officer/GM to help officiate. Note that the officiating is based on a certain level of implicit trust, so do have the dignity of being honest at least! ;) Thank you for your co-operation!
Firestorm Citadel
Mission 9-3 The King of Ashes.
- Speedrun: Finish the Firestorm Citadel (D24 to D28) as fast as you can.
- The party MUST finish all 8 rooms in Charred Court (D25).
- The party can choose either path in Ashen Armory (D26).
- The party may skip the zombies just prior to the last area of Smouldering Steps (D27).
- The party may skip minerals.
- The party may use any loadout they choose.
- Timing will begin on immediate entry to Blackstone Bridge (D24).
- Timing will cease on immediate entry to the Core (D29).
Party Size Limit:
- None.
Current Leaderboard:
- 29:00 min - Buildlord, Cpajama, Pattipawae, Xoxopanda
- 33:00 min - Kissakii, Pattipawae, Xoxopanda
- N/A
Royal Jelly Palace
Misson 5-2 The Souvereign Slime
- Speedrun: Finish the Royal Jelly Palace (D15 to D17) as fast as you can.
- The party MUST finish all 4 rooms in Red Carpet Runaround (D16).
- The party may skip minerals.
- The party may use any loadout they choose.
- Timing will begin on immediate entry to Garden of Goo (D15).
- Timing will cease on immediate return to Haven.
Party Size Limit:
- None.
Current Leaderboard:
- 12:00 min - Buildlord, Darkdragonzt, Kissakii, Pattipawae
- 13:00 min - Babyice, Darkdragonzt, Kissakii, Mastersleet
- 14:00 min - Buildlord, Darkdragonzt, Pattipawae, Qgzhwkbnm