From SpiralKnights
Last Update
06/04/2012: added link to Order of Aether guild page. Added "Helpfull hints and tips"
02/04/2012: added UV to final flourish
31/03/2012: fixed spelling errors. added acheron to swords list. added UV to snarby cap
About myself
Well where to begin.... Started playing late August 2011. Joined my first guild called League of Hell where i rose through the ranks fairly quickly, where i ultimately became GM and took charge for over 8 months, before i left to make a new guild with my brother and a good friend in game. During the time i have played i have picked up some very handy tips and tricks, that have improved my gameplay and playing performance. I have a very good knowledge of in game mechanics and am more than willing to help those that need it.
I dont take this game seriously and only play casually especially now that i have everything i need. Over the months of playing i have enjoyed every part of this game more than I can say for any other game out there. Most of my time is spent doing "The King of Ashes" rank mission with guild members and friends. You can also see me idling around in random Havens from time to time, selling, buying or just generally browsing the Auction House for "stuff" to waste my crowns on.
I then became joint founder of Order of Aether, a guild which was set up for veterns of the game to hone skills and arrange groups to venture into the clockworks. However my time at this guild was cut short with the clash of egos of the top two founders of the guild, one wanted something else and the other something entirely out of the blue.
I would like to finish on thanking the amazing team who put together one incredible game, and long may hey continue to turn this relatively new game into something bigger than it already is.
About my Guild
Order Of Aether was created 26/03/2012. It is a guild for those players who have completed everything the game has to offer or the majority of content available at time of wrting. Being a relatively new guild we have no intentions of competing with the more experienced guilds out there, but the guild members that make up the heart of our small community are equally if not more skilled and experienced than most members in those guilds. We do alot of FSC runs and sometimes shadow lairs. A very cool guild with cool people :)
Helpfull hints and tips
1. Go to the SpiralKnights wiki
2. In the top right of the screen click on log in
3. Then just above the "sign up for the newsletter section" click on the "create a free account" link
4. Once the page loads up, create a free account by filling in the blank spaces. It is adisable to use your steam version of spiral knights name as the username. create a password and use an email address you are familiar with.
5. Once you are happy with the details you provided click on "play now"
6. This will take you to the home page of the SpiralKnights page. It will ask if you want to download the game. Do not do this. cancel.
7. Go to the SpiralKnights wiki page again and click log in. Enter your username and password.
8. Enjoy the wonders of the SpiralKnights Wiki! :DAchievments
Defeated snarbolax boss many times, Jelly King millions of times. The amount of times I have done a speed run of the Roarmulus Twins is ridiculous (can do the boss in under 2mins). Vanaduke has become another boss to add to the death count with uncountable victories. Have done Rabid Snarbolax and Red Roarmulus Twins Shadow Lairs. Completed all rank missions to date aswell.
Divine Avenger
Charge Time Reduction: Medium
Final Flourish
Charge Time Reduction: Medium
Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Blitz Needle
Damage Bonus vs Fiend: Medium
Damage Bonus Vs Undead: Medium
Snarbolax Cap
Increased Poison Resistance: Low
Volcanic Demo Helm
Give Thanks To
Kennys-knight for the codes to my "Loadout" section SpiralKnights for all the images and names used Cobalt for the character image links