User talk:Equinox

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Revision as of 06:06, 18 April 2012 by Trying (Talk | contribs)

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Clarification of the purpose of this page

Greetings Equinox,

I am confused about the actual purpose of this page. Is the purpose of this page specifically for formatting and information on this wiki, or is it for asking about information about the actual Spiral Knights game as well? I ask this so I do not post any unfitting questions on this page in the future. --Axzorgan

A talk page is generally used for conversation related to the wiki. This includes things regarding the User's edits, or advice on things that the user is working on. I've heard that "as long as it's related to the wiki, it's ok to talk about on the talk page". We don't want Equinox's talkpage ending up like this: Jeb's Minecraftwiki talk page, or Notch's talk page, which was deleted because of spam. GMs probably keep themselves uncontactable when it comes to the game to prevent swarming and being asked about things that don't even concern them, such as new develepment for the game or being asked to reveal spoilers etc. I'm pretty sure if you had something to ask Equinox, there's probably a heap of admins on the forum that could answer you question. (sorry if i sound offensive) --HexZyle 02:05, 21 January 2012 (UTC)
However, I guess it depends on the question. (and what Equinox is willing to allow on their page) --HexZyle 02:14, 21 January 2012 (UTC)
Axzorgan, this page is used to communicate with me. Mostly about the wiki (anything from formatting to images to content), but if you had a dire need to ask me something, that would work too. For general things about the game as it pertains to your own gameplay, you are better off sticking with the forums. --Equinox 03:21, 25 January 2012 (UTC)
Thank you very much. --Axzorgan

Hey Equinox

Hey sorry for the disturbance with the constant creating of the page

It wont happen again and also wondering, how do you make a talk page?

See you around! JazzList :D

My page: User:JazzList

Vandalism Magnus 18:32, 14 February 2012 (UTC)

Thanks, M. --Equinox 03:12, 17 February 2012 (UTC)

Do we have a Admin Noticeboard for stuff like that? Or do we just chuck it on your page? --HexZyle 06:34, 17 February 2012 (UTC) Magnus 20:51, 18 February 2012 (UTC)

Love Aura Icon

Hi Equinox! Is it possible to swap out the current Love Aura pic in the template for a new similarly named one? I have a more accurate screenshot of the icon, on my talk page. CobaltMoon 22:42, 18 February 2012 (UTC)

Magnus uploaded one. It will hopefully eventually update. --Equinox 19:02, 20 February 2012 (UTC)

Table Trouble

I'm trying to edit information in on the new gremlins, but the tables are breaking for no apparent reason. Re-doing the edit from scratch doesn't help, and I've had others check to make sure I didn't do anything wrong.

Because nobody can figure out what is going wrong, it's looking like an issue with the Wiki itself. I'd appreciate it if you could look into it. ~Katmint 02:06, 25 February 2012 (UTC)

Looks like SpiralMike took care of it. Generally when you start seeing code like that, there's missing closing tags, so count carefully to make sure all the {{ }} come in pairs. --Equinox 16:37, 25 February 2012 (UTC)

Proper way to redirect?

Would the correct way to redirect be:

Admin > Game Master

Shop > Vendor

Alchemy > Crafting

Enemy > Monster


Sure. Some of those already exist as properly tagged redirects. SpiralKnights:Redirect shows the various tags you can use. --Equinox 16:13, 3 March 2012 (UTC)

Okay. -TheGME

Error on List of sets page

A while back, when reorganizing the List of sets page, due to the stacked template nature of the page, I accidentally caused a piece of code to become plain text. Me, and a couple other people have tried to fix it since then, but have only caused the entire page to break. Do you mind looking into it? The error in question is in the Surge Breaker Set Row, Alchemy Path Column. --HexZyle 01:56, 4 March 2012 (UTC)

No need for Equinox to step in on this one, you just accidentally removed the "}}" code, which is used to close the template. I've fixed it for you. ~Katmint 02:05, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
Not so fast there, Scroll to the bottom of the page. I reverted the page for now, one box of broken code is much more appealing then half a page shattered. Thanks for trying, but if the code was that easy to fix I would have corrected it already :D --HexZyle 03:34, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
No, it is that easy, someone left an extra }} at the end that wasn't supposed to be there. It was stopping the table from collapsing due to the missing }}, but when you add in the }} that's supposed to be there it blows up the table. Re-fixed. ~Katmint 05:15, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
Excellent work, thanks. I knew there was an odd set of brackets but with the sheer amount of them on the page, not to mention the odd location of the break, I couldn't figure out where. --HexZyle 13:15, 4 March 2012 (UTC)


I've made a few more pages, Including "Lost Soul"

And I have some ideas for the game. Though, I don't know where to post them. Do we have a Suggestions page, or does the forum have a thread? -TheGME

Yep. The Suggestions Forum is my favourite :3 --HexZyle 19:24, 4 March 2012 (UTC)

Thank you. -TheGME

Blatant infringment

I have a set of meticulously crafted pages and templates. you have seen me working on them, and you are aware that they are mine. recently a user, A2000 has been copy pasting my code, and claiming it to be their own.

I have gone through once already and simply added a credit tag at the bottom (its the same one that's already on the bottom of my focal pages, so I wasn't obnoxious about it. The user, removed them, and added to their user page an actual claim they where responsible for the work.

as a result I have replaced all of the copies with the credit tag. if this affects anyone else's pages, I apologize. I will be more than happy to replace them with an original work. no charge. of course.

I greatly appreciate any help you can provide in the matter and wish you happy spirals, ciao! - TheTric

It's a Three Rings wiki, not a private code host. As it says on the bottom of the page: "If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then do not submit it here." We do not put things in the main namespace with bylines. Things on the wiki are for the wiki & wiki community, not restricted personal private usage. --Equinox 23:36, 9 March 2012 (UTC)
Not asking for private use, heck I greatly prefer public use. but what I am asking is that credit is given. A2000 even admits to removing the credit tags, so... --TheTric 01:55, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
As I said above, credit tags do not belong in the main namespace. --Equinox 02:04, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
Not sure I understand what you mean by that... --TheTric 04:40, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
We don't add in "by so-and-so" or "edited by so-and-so" in any articles (and associated templates) that do not have a XXXX: prefix. The edit history shows who has contributed what. --Equinox 05:25, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
Okee dokey, I got that now, although I did happen to go Rifling through the namespace and came across, essentially needless, copies of the originals, I A2000 would like he's welcome to edit the original pages instead of duplicating everything. 2 heads ARE better than one ^_^. well, I'm gonna get back to enjoying spiral knights now ^_^ ciao -, - < duping of duping? what? o_O - - - - - -
--TheTric 05:51, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
Actually /one/ last thing, I removed the byline tag, so the templates can be used without the "add" at the bottom. --TheTric 05:55, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
I think he created those after you edited it to force the byline as he considered that change vandalism, so it's mostly just been a misunderstanding on various sides. All's well, thanks. --Equinox 16:04, 10 March 2012 (UTC)

RE: "Blatant Infringement"

I have been accused of copying and pasting by The Tric. I would like to direct you to this link to explain my suituation - Thanks.

TheTric replied to your post on the forums
Just a quick question - can I undo The Tric's edits on my pages so I can add my own stuff? Sorry to waste your time ^^
I think he undid most of them, but may have missed some. Feel free to fix it back. Making sure folks settle misunderstandings and clarifying Spiral Knights wiki policy is my job and is never a waste of time. --Equinox 03:03, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

What to do in this argumental case?

Say someone removes an edit I made. I post on their talk page asking why the content was removed, with no edit note at all. He posts a few points on my talk page stating his reasons. I produce a counter-argument and post it on his talk page. He doesn't respond, possibly because he hasn't been using the wiki for a bit, but his edit still stands. What do I do? Do I just undo his edit? Do I attempt to draw more attention to the page edit so that other wiki users can leave their input? Or do I get your final word on it? --HexZyle 01:47, 11 March 2012 (UTC)

[Here's the edit], Here's my comment on his page, Here's his comment on mine
I'm not sure what you think about me using the [WP:AADD] page but it's kinda like the most amazing page I've ever found and I use it alot for internet courtesy whenever I'm on the net and debating something with someone --HexZyle 01:57, 11 March 2012 (UTC)
For this wiki, if you can't reach an agreement, then you come to me. I think that items that are not available to players do not need to be in the main helmet section. You could make either a sub-page for helmet or another page such as Game Master/Equipment or List of Game Master equipment (probably this one would be the best since there is equipment other than that helmet that only GMs have). --Equinox 13:51, 11 March 2012 (UTC)
Thanks very much. Um, terribly sorry about the spamming of edits. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to use the minor edit box. But then again, it kinda makes sense as i see bots doing it. This category thing was just kind of an experimental thing, I've never used categories before. But the whole thing turned out to be much bigger than I planned. Also, I'll try and get around to changing the names of the categories. --HexZyle 18:55, 11 March 2012 (UTC)
Heh, I myself have gotten into wiki projects that balloon up as well, so I know the feeling. I think this is a great idea though. When the categorization is done, we'll see about standardizing it in an other links section or something for the accessory page & individual accessories' pages. --Equinox 03:05, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

another vandal --Trying 15:25, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

Also see the original account, ~Katmint 15:52, 12 March 2012 (UTC)
Thanks everyone for the heads up and the fixing of the vandalism. --Equinox 22:22, 12 March 2012 (UTC)


Dear Equinox (and/or other administrators),

Recently, my friend's and I have been created some fan-work of Spiral Knights (writing, stories, art, ect.), though with nowhere to display them amongst others. I have considered the Spiral Knights Wiki, though I wished to make sure before making any action. If this wiki is open to fan-work, than I shall be posting it on my guild page. If not, I would appreciate knowing the proper place to submit this kind of material.



You can upload art if the artist is willing to release it under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license where anyone can take and alter the work. For fan art, you can use the {{fan art|artistsname}} file tag. We currently do not have a good space to host writing projects, so those are best hosted elsewhere. --Equinox 00:26, 15 March 2012 (UTC)


Hello, I have a suggestion for the wiki. Now, I know SpiralSpy images are not allowed, but what I want to suggest is nice and practical. I thought it would be great to have the models viewed in SpiralSpy, and spun 360 degrees so users could see it entirely, saved in .gif format and uploaded over the current ones. There are several weapons which are just too big, like the Warhammer, which are hard to get a picture of. This would be something large that I'd be willing to do over the course of several days, but there are some technical difficulties, like the problem with changing images. Just thought it would be nice, let me know what you think. --Tersakaff 13:57, 14 March 2012 (UTC)

No Spiral Spy images for articles. --Equinox 00:26, 15 March 2012 (UTC)

I understand. --Tersakaff 15:02, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

This Guyjin person...


He's caused such a mess with his uncropped uploads that I think he should be suspended from uploading files to the wiki. It just gives other people a lot of cleaning up to do after him. --Tersakaff 15:03, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

He hasn't uploaded anything new lately and most of all, nobody has left him a note asking him to crop images differently. Unless you have had a discussion with an editor about an issue, it's really inappropriate to ask that someone be blocked from editing without having notified them about the issue. --Equinox 01:44, 18 March 2012 (UTC)

I think someone DID tell him to stop it, but if he's not doing it anymore... --Tersakaff 13:56, 19 March 2012 (UTC)

Nope, all edits to user talk pages are in the history of that page. Nobody mentioned it to him directly. --Equinox 02:21, 20 March 2012 (UTC)

Why did you delete my page

Hey Equinox,

Why did you delete my user page? The information was made by me and i have come on and it says you deleted it and i would like to know why

I would really like to know so please tel me

Regards, Hpland

User pages are supposed to have the "User:" Tag before it followed by your login name, which is normally where clicking your own name on the top right leads you. In your case, it's here: User:Hpland. Equinox probably just deleted a non-user-tagged page you made, but all of its content was likely copied over to your actual user page, so it shouldn't be a problem ;) ExTribble 03:44, 20 March 2012 (UTC)

Cleaning up accessory images

I noticed there are A LOT of uncropped images for accessories, so I decided to take them alphabetically and reupload the uncropped images, or at least those I can, it's gonna take long to find someone who has every color of the wings and willing to borrow them to me. I think this is necessary because, well, they're simply improper uncropped like that.

I want to ask, should I reupload images that do not include the character window, but include the whole character, not just the area around the accessory, and those with a weird angle/in drawn weapon position, so they'd all follow a template?

I believe I've gotten the "base" image for each accessory showing a second angle and those are on each accessory page. Because all accessories of one type tend to just be different coloring of the same model, you don't necessarily need to have multiple views for each one. However, if you want to do it that way, feel free to do it that way. My preference has been to try to crop to the section of the knight with the accessory because a smaller image will have a thumbnail showing more detail than the thumbnail of an entire knight. --Equinox 00:50, 8 April 2012 (UTC)
Yup, while the model may be the same, the colors differ and it would be nice to have a well-organized wiki. And I didn't mean multiple views, I meant the same angle for every image. But I think I'll replace just the ones that aren't cropped (90% belong to Guyjin..), and leave the others alone. ^^ --Tersakaff 15:24, 8 April 2012 (UTC)

Templates In Need of Protection?

Hi Equinox,

I think we might have a few pages in need of protection, if you think it seems reasonable:

Recently, someone made some modifications (accidentally or intentionally - I'm not sure) to one of the Documentation templates, and naturally it made a bit of a mess for all pages using documentation (i.e. a lot! :x ). The other ones I listed are more suggestions, because I see some of their counterparts are already protected. Maybe these have been left open for a specific reason, though.


    ~ Aecarus 16:14, 13 April 2012 (UTC)

I would add the guild template to the list since lots of people have used it to start their guild page--Trying 17:09, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
Equinox had already locked that one a while ago, actually. (And it's a good thing too, haha.)     ~ Aecarus 22:13, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
Generally I only protect things that there have been issues with folks editing it. I've protected the documentation templates since there's definitely no reason to edit them. I've left the others alone for now unless issues crop up. --Equinox 19:55, 15 April 2012 (UTC)


Look at what he wrote on my user page User:Trying I gave him a warning on his talk page. --Trying 06:06, 18 April 2012 (UTC)

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