Kage no Senshi (Guild)

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ua\ History is made everyday, this is just our cover page. Our history is far from completely mapped out on paper.


The Guild farms FSC and high paying arenas daily, Roarmulus Twins and Jelly King/Royal Jelly are done by Guild members more than 5 times a day during one period online you should see at least two parties there. We always have a party or two at FSC or an arena farming zone. With the addition of the mission system to Spiral Knights FSC farming became much easier, if you are unable to jump to the mission you wish to perform for crowns or heat, a veteran with access, once free, will gladly drop you off at the mission lobby if he/she doesn't have the time to join the run.

New Recruits/Members may ask for the assistance of other Members of the Guild if they are free to help. Veterans and above will gladly tag along with new T3 Members looking forward to their first FSC run.


  • Recruits - T1 and new T2 players (No expectations here, give us raw clay and somehow we'll mold the best possible players)

s (Highly active and interactive players)

  • Veterans - T3 and T3 solo players (Must be Champion rank or higher to qualify)

(Promotion based on skill level and activity more than actual gear, however having the right gear for your style will be an asset. (Members must not ask for promotions as it will merely extend the period of evaluation.)

(Activity to us means 1 - 2 hours of active gameplay per day. Any instances of lengthy periods of inactivity must be reported beforehand.)

  • OFFICERS :: An Officer is a Member who has illustrated commitment towards the Guild and have been active for a considerable amount of time. This position shows the highest level of trust from the Guild Master himself for those he deems suitable for this position. NOTE: Officers may be demoted upon inactivity on duty, IE not showing an active roll in the guild's chats and such.


  • By no means should anyone ever disrespect any member of the guild, if it does happen do not reply with more disrespect towards the person. Simply ask them to apologize.
  • Never, yes we mean never, should you invite someone to a party without their permission for the sole cause of reviving you. If you are dead, you may ask, never beg.
  • Adult language is allowed in the guild chat, as stated earlier this is an adult's guild. As adults playing this game we tend to be childish at times and so the conversations seem immature. However abuse of the privilege is not allowed, swearing in every line that you may type is by far too much. Raging at everything that happens using swear words is not allowed as well.
  • If you are under 13 years of age you will be removed from the guild. Your skill, gear, CE, nothing will save you from this ultimate fact.
  • Guild chat spams are now allowed (Sales etc). If you must mention it, refrain from posted your shout from haven one or trade channel ad, make it part of the conversation.
  • Never give loans to anyone in the guild of recruit rank! (As a recruit the person has no immediate connection to the guild, it makes it very easy for them to take your money and leave, never to be sen again)
  • Remember this is a game, take things too seriously and everything goes wrong. Have fun!

Weapons Store

Arms Shop: Ran mostly by the heads of the guild, the Kage no Senshi "Arms Store" sells a variety of equipment from Boss token weapons all the way to 5* gear. Inquiries Wrock and Manhoe!


Coming soon to a guildhall near you!

Recruitment Info

To join our guild previously you had to be minimum 4 star. However we decided to expand a bit and allow players of any star to join. We have absolutely no problem allowing new players to join our guild. At one point we were all new and eager to learn the ropes.

Activity is what makes or breaks a guild. If you are not active sadly our officers will have to remove you from the guild. Inactivity basically means nine (9) days or more with no logins, without prior Notice to an officer or higher of the inactivity we will have no choice but to remove. This is normally the fine print however we have no reason to keep you away from the light, even if we are shadows.

Answering these questions Send an in game mail to the Guildmaster (myself) at the IGN, Manhoe.

How long do you play per day?

What are your playing times? (e.g. Time Zone - EST)

What is your current gear?

What bosses have you already defeated?

Past Guilds?

Been to the core?

Soloed your way to Tier 2 (Depth 8)?

Soloed your way to Tier 3 (Depth 18)?

Soloed your way to The Core (Depth 29)?

Why do you want to join this guild?

Do you like dogs?

Send your answers to IGN: Manhoe


Post on the official recruitment forums here: Kage no Senshi/Recruitment Thread

Contact Info

IGN: Manhoe (Guild Master)

IGN: Wrock

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