The Shadow Order (Guild)

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The Shadow Order
File:GuildLogo-The Shadow Order.jpeg

None. We are mottoless.

Guild Founder: FounderName
Approx. Population: 3
Guild Master(s):

Supermetalmario and Atgatg

Emerging from Darkness

The Shadow Order was founded on May 12th by Supermetalmario and Atgatg. It was founded in a hope to make a fun, enjoyable gaming experience to all it's members. We value activeness, loyalty, and good players.


Must be fairly active. If you are found to be inactive for over two weeks without telling a Guild master about a certain vacation, you will be kicked. Knights must be Tier 3 ready. Must be mature, and be friendly to members.


Recruit: Given when joined. Member: Showing activeness and loyalty. Veteran: Given to trusted friends, and members. Officers: Given to the most trusted members in the guild. (Also, must have beaten Vanaduke.) Guild Master: Reserved for Atgatg and Supermetalmario.

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