Bombheads (Guild)

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Fight until the end

Guild Founder: Gatoss,Thorfinns
Approx. Population: 50+

Guild informations

Guild's name

Bombheads bomb icon.png Bombheads

People.png About us

We are a friendly guild who respect all our members.We like do runs together in all bosses and playing Lockdown :)

Legal scale4.gif Laws of guild

Respect all the members and dont beg..If you beg you ll be kicked immediately! Futhermore if you are in a mission and want help ask first a member to join you, dont invite or join without asking first!If you invite without asking you ll be warned and the next time u ll be demoted one rank!!(the reqruits will be warned twice and the next time will be kicked from the guild

Crown 01.png Ranks

Hylian Shield Icon TP.png Promotes

  • Member:to become a member you must be in the guild at least 14 days
  • Veteran:to become a veteran you must help the other guildmates(the most important thing),earn a bombhead and have 4 star and above gear(the reason is that if you have better gear then you can help more the other guildmates).If a member has gear for lockdown tier 2 then this will be great...
  • Officer:to become an officer you must help whenever you can the other members with their runs(not the same people but all),be an active player who cares about the guild(giving new ideas for the guild help the newbies),have gear for tier 2 lockdown and particpate always in guild lockdown and finally you must be suggested and voted by the Guildmasters and the existing officers.

Delete-user.png Demotes&Deletes

You ll be demoted when you violate the 3rd law (about inviting/joining without asking first) You ll be kicked when you violate the 1st&2nd law(about begging and disrespect other members)Futhermore If you demoted to reqruit and violate the 3rd law 2 times you ll be kicked. If you are inactive over a month without telling us you ll be kicked.If you are kicked and you dont know the reason pm to the officers or Gms and they ll explain(mistake such like misclicking it may happen so communicate with us)

Join.gif How to join

Just pm to our guildmasters..We get all tiers players as long as they respect our rules.. We kick only when they are not respecting the rules and when they are inactive(3 weeks and more without a warning)

Newspaper.gif News and announcements for Guild members

For all members try to obtain tier 2 gear for guild lockdown!!! Everyone who want to participate in guild lockdown post here his name the day and the time he is free to play(GMT time. A link is down with the gmt time )

List2tcm3611090.png Recipe wishlist

If you want a recipe you can post it here by editing this section.Put the recipe you want and your name and if a member see the recipe in basil he may buy it for you and then sell it to you in the normal price.As soon as you get the recipe delete it from here(please be careful what you editing)

Ideas.png Ideas

In this section our members can post their ideas they want to see in our guild.The guildmasters and the officers will take them into consideration.Ps: post your name to see whose idea was

Can we use something like this?Example.jpg

Photo gallery

Gate Icon-Fiend.png
Monsters' weaknesses & damages

Monster Type Damage Type Weak To Neutral To Strongly Resistant To
Gate Icon-Slime.png Slime Family Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack piercing icon.png Piercing
Gate Icon-Beast.png Beast Family Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental
Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Gremlin Family Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack elemental icon.png Elemental
Gate Icon-Construct.png Construct Family Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing
Gate Icon-Fiend.png Fiend Family Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow
Gate Icon-Undead.png Undead Family Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow

Time zone

All the meetings are in GMT.In that link u can see the GMT time

Personal tools