Scarlet Order (Guild)

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Scarlet Order
GuildLogo-Scarlet Order.png

Nice, Kind but ready to kick some Gremlin butt!

Guild Founder: Hawaiiwong
Approx. Population: 40

Basic Discription

Scarlet Order is a new guild looking for tier 2+ players to expand. We are currently working on expanding and settling down the guild and there are no solid goals, but we have a Lockdown team and are willing to help on missions. If you are interested, PM, mail, or add one of the Guild Masters and once you are in be sure to talk to Hawaiiwong for you Ranking and more guild info, he can be usually found in the guild hall.

Announcements from Hawaiiwong:

1. Hawaiiwong will be on a international vacation from 4/4-4/13 and is placing redplague and xnot in charge during the time period mentioned above.

2. Please check this page constantly

3. Hawaiiwong and Hanahauoli have had a meeting and are enforcing the rules more strictly due to numerous complaints about one guildmember who has been warned.

4. Officers, I am starting to see more members but also some promotions that have not been run by me this maks me suspitious. Hanahauoli has been assigned to watch out for this and any officer seen doing this will be demoted.


1. You are expected to reflect well upon the guild. (no begging, harassing, etc.)

2. If you are caught any officer can demote you.

3. Guildmasters reserve the right to remove you from the guild.

4. Insulting of other guildmembers is not allowed.

5. You may be demoted by Hawaiiwong at anytime for any good reason (you will be mailed a reason and what you can do to correct it).

6. Anyone who has been demoted to any rank for violation of the above rules has lost the ability to become a Gm or officer.



Please note this is a new additon. Any persons who has been promoted before this is not affected.

1. Promotions are made by the Guildmasters only.

Promotion between ranks:

To become a:


1. be tier 2 or higher.


1. Take an expedition with an officer to defeat the Jelly King.

2. Show a Guildmaster a Jelly King boss item.


1. Be teir 3

2. Show a Guildmaster a Vannaduke boss item

3. Take an expidition with a officer to fight Vanna

4. Own at least one five star item


1. Promotion to or past officer will be handled by Hawaiiwong exclusively.

2. Prove that you can be trusted

3. Be a veteran


1. Guildmasters are the best of the best in our guild.

2. Be an officer.

3. Prove that you have the ability to be trusted a lot.

4. Help any new recruit become a full fledged member (Help them fill out the fequirements for member).

5. Sucessfully recruit 5 teir 3 people and show them to any guildmaster who will mail Hawaiiwong the confermation.

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