Over Powered Noobs (Guild)

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Over Powered Noobs
GuildLogo-Over Powered Noobs.png

"Don't just be a noob, be slightly better then a noob!!!"

Guild Founder: Rogue-Turtle
Approx. Population: 10
Guild Master(s):
  • Rogue-Turtle
  • Heartlessleet
Guild Officer(s):
  • Position Open
  • Position Open
  • Position Open

And so it began...

The Rogue-Turtle, in pursuit of self-improvement, discovered that he could only go so far by himself. That real strength comes from having something, you hold dear to your heart, to protect.

During this period of time, somewhere isolated and dark, a Heartlessleet rose from the ashes of the once great Kingdom of Almire. Appearing to be some sort of Fallen Ashtail, Heartlessleet understood all to well that he was once dead.

Should it be fate, the Rogue-Turtle found the Heartlessleet wandering and hopeless. It was then that he decided he would help this Heartlessleet figure out his purpose for returning to the Spiral Relm of the living.

As time passed the pair formed an unbreakable bond of friendship and rivalry. The pair possessed skill and power that is seemingly comparable to the Gods of Almire themselves'. Over Powered.. you could say.

Over Powered Members

The pair soon decided that they should pass their knowledge, power, and skills on to more people. People who seek to improve just as they do..

"Their power should be shared and so it was.."


"With great power comes great responsibility"

1. Show respect to all your guild mates.

2. Show respect to all of the Spiral Knights outside of the guild.

  • When you wear the name of Over Powered Noobs, don't taint it.

3. We do not tolerate leeching. Even if you are tagging along in a FSC run we expect you to try and learn while you are there.

4. Do not beg each other for anything. Whether it be missions, energy, or crowns. Since begging is a form or leeching it is also clearly not tolerated.

5. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Hard to get better if you are angry all the time.

Ranking Up

Section coming soon...


Understand this:

Over Powered Noobs is ONLY looking for people who seek to be better.

If you understand that and don't intend to leech then meeting one of the following reqs. makes you eligible to join:

1. Active- When you aren't busy in your real life you are actively playing Spiral Knights and trying to get better gear all the time.

2. T2- You have mostly 3* and 4* gear.

3. T3- You have mostly 4* and 5* gear.

4. Guildless Vet- You have been playing for a while and have mostly 5* gear, but still don't have a guild.

5. FSC Runner- You are experienced and possibly have an inactive guild, so you are looking for people to send Vanaduke to hell with.

6. Mature- You aren't a child or act childish regardless of your actual age. You take this game semi-serious and may have even spent money on energy packs.

If you are interested, please contact Heartlessleet or Rogue-Turtle in game via /Tell or an actual message. You can also leave a reply in our original forum recruitment post, which is still open at the moment. Found at node 55196[1]

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